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MP3  Berlioz LA MORT DE CLEOPATRE 1972 Roma GWYNETH JONES ; THOMAS SCHIPP  Hector Berlioz LA MORT DE CLEOPATRE  Roma, RAI November 18, 1972  Cléopâtre  - Gwyneth Jones Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI Conductor  - Thomas Schippers
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz-FAUST-Westbroek/Gergiev/Amsterdam 2006  Hector BERLIOZ  1803-1869  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST  Concertgebouw Amsterdam 11.II.2006 FM-broadcast  Westbroek/Fritz/Abdrazakov/Groisböck/Roodveldt  VALERY GERGIEV
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz, Antwerpen 2012  La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz  Légende dramatique in 4 parts  Michael Spyres, Faust Michele Pertusi, Méphistophélès Claudia Mahnke, Marguerite Simon Bailey, Brander  Koor en Kinderkoor van de Vlaamse Opera Symfonisch Orkest van de Vlaamse Opera o.l.v. Dmitri Jurowski  Vlaaamse Opera, Antwerpen 2012
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
mp3-389500 Removed
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz, Frankfurt 2010  La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz  Alice Coote – Marguerite Matthew Polenzani – Faust Simon Bailey – Mèphistopheles Thorsten Grümbel – Brandner  Chor der Oper Frankfurt  Matthias Köhler  Frankfurter Museumsorchester Leitung - Julia Jones  Oper Frankfurt June 17, 2010
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - LA DAMNATION DE FAUST - Cincinnati May Festival- ?/74 - Crespin- Riegel- Devlin- Minth- Battle  Celestial Voice ;Levine.  Broadcast.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz, Frankfurt 2010  > La Damnation de Faust - Berlioz > > Alice Coote – Marguerite > Matthew Polenzani – Faust > Simon Bailey – Mèphistopheles > Thorsten Grümbel – Brandner > > Chor der Oper Frankfurt >  Matthias Köhler  > Frankfurter Museumsorchester > Leitung - Julia Jones > > Oper Frankfurt > June 17, 2010
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Beatrice et Benedict 1969 Paris Monmart Senechal  Berlioz´delightful comedy after Shakespear in a splendid and utterly French cast - Berthe Monmart, Michel Senechal, Claudine Collart, Jacques Mars et al. As a bonus on 2 - Orchestral pieces by Berlioz in idiomatic historical performances.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Beatrice et Benedicte 1969 ORTF   Here is the cast - Béatrice - Berthe Monmart; Bénédict - Michel Sénéchal; Héro - Claudine Collart; Claudio - Pierre Germain; Don Pedro - Jacques Mars; Somarone - Louis Noguéra; Ursule - Renée Donsoit; Choeurs de l'ORTF; Orchestre Radio Lyrique; Direction - Pierre-Michel Le Conte. ORTF, Paris, 1969
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benevento Cellini - 2002.10.23 - Zürich KUNDE MUFF MOHR GHIAUROV TAIGI NIKITEANU, GARDINER  Berlioz BENVENUTO CELLINI A London Prom At The Royal Albert Hall The BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus July 24, 1972  COLIN DAVIS, cond. Benvenuto Cellini NICOLAI GEDDA Teresa CHRISTIANE EDA-PIERRE Balducci JULES BASTIN Ascanio JANE BERBIE Fieramosca ROBERT MASSARD Clemente VII ROGER SOYER Francesco DEREK BLACKWELL Bernardino ROBERT LLOYD Carabetier HUGHES CUENOD Pompeo RAIMUND HENRINCX
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benevenuto Cellini 1972 Londres
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benevenuto Cellini 1975 Boston  Berlioz BENVENUTO CELLINI  The Opera Company Of Boston  Sarah Caldwell, cond.  May 3, 1975  Benvenuto Cellini JON VICKERS Teresa PATRICIA WELLS Fieramosca JOHN REARDON Balducci GIMI BERI Clement VII DONALD GRAMM Ascanio NANCY WILLIAMS
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benevenuto Cellini 1999 Londres  BENVENUTO CELLINI BARBICAN HALL, London - Dec. 7, 1999  Benvenuto Cellini GIUSEPPE SABBATINI Teresa ELIZABETH FUTRAL Balducci ROBERT LLOYD Ascanio ISABELLE CALS Fieramosca LAURENT NAOURI Clemente VII ORLIN ANASTASSOV Francesco ROLAND BERTHUSE Bernardino FERNAND BERNARDI Pompeo RICHARD WHITEHOUSE London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus SIR COLIN DAVIS, cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 1969 Paris  Hector Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini ORTF Paris 1969 Cond - Jean-Michel LeComte Chorus and Orchestra Radio-Lyrique  B Cellini - Alain Vanzo Teresa - Andree Esposito Ascanio - Lyne Dourian Fieramosca - Matteo Manuguerra Balducci - Pierre Thau Caldinal - André Vessieres Bernardino - Stanislaw Staskiewicz Pompeo - Albrecht Klora Cabaretier - Jean Mollien
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 1973 Bonisolli  May 8, 1973 Benvenuto Cellini Berlioz Bonisolli Zylis-Gara Brendel Cond Ozawa
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 1973 Marseille    HECTOR BERLIOZ BENVENUTO CELLINI  MARSEILLE 8 april 1973 JACQUES BAZIRE, cond.  Benvenuto Cellini...Alain Vanzo Teresa...André e Esposito Fieramosca.. .Robert Massard Giacomo Balducci...Pierre Thau le Pape Clément VII...Gérard Serkoyan Ascanio...Antoinett e Rossi Francesco... Bruno Costantini Bernardo...Bernard Albertini Pompeo...Etienne Bernard Cabaretier.. .Francis Dresse
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 1987 Florence  AMAZING ! Expecially for Lacarodiva. Benvenuto Cellini Chris Merritt Giacomo Balducci Jules Bastin Fieramosca Victor Braun Papa Clemente VII Agostino Ferrin Francesco Cellini Francesco Memeo Bernardino Cellini Gianfranco Casarini Un oste Giorgio Giorgetti Pompeo Agostino Frati Teresa Cecilia Gasdia Ascanio Elena Zilio Colombina Stefania Luzzi Arlecchino Francesco Difrancescantonio Pasquariello Bruno Barile Coro e Orch.Maggio Musicale Fiorentino M.Coro Roberto Gabbiani Direttore Vladimir Fedoseev Firenze 28/04/'87 RAI stere
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto cellini 1999 Amsterdam  Benvenuto Cellini  Rotterdam Philharmonic Concertgebouw, Amsterdam 1999  Benvenuto CELLINI Chris Merrit Giacomo BALDUCCI Sergei Alexashkin TERESA, seine Tochter Anna Netrebko FIERAMOSCA Nikolai Gassiev PAPST CLEMENS VII Stanislaw Schwets FRANCESCO Kor-Jan Dusseljee BERNARDINO Sorin Coligan POMPEO Marten Smeding ASCANIO Monica Bacelli  Conductor Valery Gergiev
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz BENVENUTO CELLINI 2003.04.02 Paris  Smith, Massis, Le Texier °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz BENVENUTO CELLINI 2006.01.29 Strasbourg  Clarke, Duprels, Bernadi c Caetani °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 2007 Salzburg  Benvenuto Cellini, orfèvre  t  - Burkhard Fritz* Giacomo Balducci, trésorier papal  bs  - Brindley Sherratt Fieramosca,sculpteu r au service du pape  t  - Laurent Naouri Le Pape Clément VII  bs  – Mikhail Petrenko Francesco, artisan de l'atelier de Cellini  t  - Xavier Mas Bernardino, artisan de l'atelier de Cellini  bs  - Roberto Tagliavini Pompeo, spadassin  t  - Adam Plachetka Un Cabaretier  t  - Sung-Keun Park Teresa, fille de Balducci  s  - Maija Kovalevska Ascanio, apprenti de Cellini  s  - Kate Aldrich**  Chorus of
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 2007 Salzburg VIDEO   Hector Berlioz  1803–1869  BENVENUTO CELLINI Oper in zwei Akten  Neuinszenierung In französischer Sprache mit deutschen und englischen Übertiteln  Valery Gergiev----- --Musikalische Leitung Philipp Stölzl------- --Regie und Bühnenbild Kathi Maurer------ ---Kostüme Duane Schuler----- ---Licht Stefan Kessner----- --Video Max Stolzenberg- ----Video Mara Kurotschka-- --Choreographie Ronny Dietrich---- ---Dramaturgie Andreas Schüller----- Chöre  Burkhard Fritz------- --------- --Benvenuto Cellini Laurent Naouri------ ---
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 2007 Stockholm  Anastasia Kalagina  Teresa , Zlata Bulycheva  Ascanio , Sergei Semishkur  Cellini , Nikolai Kamensky  Balducci , Alexander Gergalov  Fieramosca  , Mikhail Petrenko  Pope , Alexander Gerasimov  Bernardino  , Alexander Timchenko  Francesco , Andrei Popov  Innkeeper , Sergei Romanov  Pompeo   Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra and Chorus / Valery Gergiev  Stockholm, Berwald Hall, 20. August 2007
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 27122003
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini Gedda Queler 1983
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Fauset 2001 Lyon  MIÉRCOLES, 5  Settembre 2001   19,55 Quincena Musical Donostiarra 2001. Transmisión directa desde el Auditorio Kursaal de San Sebastián.  Angel Luis García . BERLIOZ - La condenación de Fausto. J. Ferrero  Fausto , F. Le Roux  Méphistophélès  , D. Montague  Marguerite  , J.M. Ramón  Brander , Orq. Nal. de Lyon. Dir. - D. Robertson.   Broadcast RNE
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz DAMNATION DE FAUST  LA  2004.06.07 Paris  Groves, Larmore, Ramey, Fel c Elder
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust - Kaufmann, Graham, Van Dam, Pappano - Dresden 2002
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1931 Paris  3 excerpts  ca. 1 hour  from Coppola´s own abridged version of Berlioz´s Damnation – the first recording publ. at Grammophone 1931. I give it here with some commentary by Philippe Morin who presented these excerpts in the following order. The sound is a bit uneven – due to an old tape -  Berthon De Trevi Panzéra Morturier Chorale de St. Gervais  Le Flem  Orchestre des Concerts Pasdeloup Coppola 1931
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1948 Paris  Distribution - Pernet  Méphistophélès  Juyol  Marguerite  Jouatte  Faust  Cambon  Brander   Chœurs et Orchestre Radio-Lyrique Albert Wolff  There are also 60 minutes of Coppola´s abridged version which I can post – if wanted.  Many Greetings,  cordialement pyochungsa
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz damnation de Faust 1954 RCA  Berlioz - Damnation de Faust RCA LM 6114 - BSO - February 1954 - Charles Munch  c   Faust David Poleri Mephistopheles Martial Singher Marguerite Suzanne Danco Brander Donald Gramm Voice McHenry Boatwright
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de faust 1959 RTF   La Damnation de Faust Hector Berlioz  Faust - Nicolai Gedda Marguerite - Régine Crespin Méphistophèles - Ernest Blanc Brander - Louis Morin  Choeurs et Orchestre Nationale de RTF Conductor - Igor Markévitch Festival de Montreux 24 September 1959
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1964 Naples  Hector Berlioz La Dannazione di Faust  La Damnation de Faust  sung in Italian  Giulietta Simionato  Margherita  Ettore Bastianini  Mefistofele  Ruggero Bondino  Faust  Plinio Clabassi  Brander / Una voce   Orchestra e Coro del Teatro San Carlo Peter Maag  Naples, 26 December 1964
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1965 Buenos Aires  Hector Berlioz LA DAMNATION DE FAUST légende dramatique en 4 parties, 1846 d'après Goethe, traduction de Gérard de Nerval version de concert   Faust  - Albert Lance Marguerite  - Régine Crespin Méphistophélès  - Gabriel Bacquier Brander/une voix  - Victor de Narké La voix céleste  - Tota de Igarzabal  Chœurs et orchestre du Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires Direction Jean Fournet Buenos Aires, 28 mai 1965
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1969 Rome  Hector Berlioz La damnation de Faust Faust Nicolai Gedda Marguerite Marilyn Horne Méphistophelès Roger Soyer Brander Anton Petrov Chorus and Orchestra RAI Roma Cond. Georges Pretre Chorus master Gianni Lazzari Roma january 11 1969 All my best wishes op231
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz DAMNATION DE FAUST 1974 Cincinnati Riegel, Battle
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
Regular price: $15.00
Sale price: $9.00
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de faust 1982 Londres  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST Légende dramatique en quatre parties de Hector Berlioz. Livret de Gandonnière & Gérard de Nerval.  Faust - Peyo Garazzi Méphistophélès - Simon Estes Marguerite - Janet Baker Brander - John Tomlinson  London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus Colin Davis  London, Royal Festival Hall, 1. November 1982
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 1983 Vienne  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST Légende dramatique en quatre parties de Hector Berlioz. Livret de Gandonnière & Gérard de Nerval.  Faust - Alain Vanzo Méphistophélès - Jean-Philippe Lafont Marguerite - Felicity Palmer Brander - Jean-Marie Fremeau  Prager Rundfunkchor Orchestre de Lyon Serge Baudo  Wien, Konzerthaus, 1. Juni 1983
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de faust 1995 Paris Uria Mozon  Hector Berlioz LA DAMNATION DE FAUST  1846  Dir. Hubert Soudant Orch. E coro de l’Opera National de Paris M° coro Denis Dubois Paris Opera Bastille sa 25.02.1995  Margherita              Beatrice Uria Monzon Faust                     Gary Lakes Mefistofele             Kristinn Sigmundsson Brander                  Francois Harismendy
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz damnation de faust 1999 Perth  Hector Berlioz - La Damnation de Faust  Marguérite Sarah Connolly Faust Heikki Siukola Méphistophèles David Wilson-Johnson Brander Tomas Bartunek  West Australian Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Andras Ligeti In-house recording with generally good sound at the Perth Concert Hall, Western Australia, Feb 1999.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2002 Bruxelles  > Hector Berlioz  1803-1867  > LA DAMNATION DE FAUST > > Brussel, Koninklijke Muntschouwburg  La Monnaie , 20/06/2002 > > Faust - Jonas Kauffman  not William Joyner  > Méphistophélès - José Van Dam > Margueritte - Susan Graham > Brander - Henry Waddington > > Antonio Pappano > Koor en Orkest van de Koninklijke Muntschouwburg >
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2002 Genova  Berlioz - LA DAMNATION DE FAUST  Genova, Carlo Felice, 03/12/2002  Faust Marcello Giordani  Marguerite Sonia Ganassi  Méphistophélès Ruggero Raimondi  Brander Nicola Mihailovic  Orchestra Carlo Felice di Genova  Coro Carlo Felice di Genova  Direttore Michel Plasson  Maestro del coro Giovanni Andreoli
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2003 Genève  La Damnation de Faust à Genève Grand Théâtre 26 June 2003 Hector Berlioz  - La Damnation de Faust  Katarina Karnéus  Marguerite  Jonas Kaufmann  Faust  José van Dam  Méphistophélès  Frédéric Caton  Brander   Orchestre de la Suisse romande Chœurs du Grand-Théâtre de Genève Chœur Orpheus de Sofia Maîtrise du Conservatoire populaire Patrick Davin  direction
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2003 Zurich  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST  Légende dramatique en quatre parties de Hector Berlioz.  Livret de Gandonnière & Gérard de Nerval.  Faust - Jerry Hadley  Méphistophélès - Willard White  Marguerite - Ruxandra Donose  Brander - Jonathan Lemalu  Schweizer Kammerchor  Kinderchor des Opernhauses Zürich  Tonhalle-Orchester  Charles Dutoit  Zürich, Tonhalle, 11.Dezember 2003  Excellent digital broadcast recording
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2004 Bochum  Hector Berlioz La damnation de Faust Légende dramatique in 4 Teilen op. 24 Ruhrtriennale, Jahrhunderthalle in Bochum, 15. Juli 2004  La Fura dels Baus, scenic production   Faust - Jonas Kaufmann Marguerite - Charlotte Hellekant Méphistophélès - Willard White Brander - Andreas Macco  Knabenchor der Chorakademie Dortmund Orfeón Donostierra de San Sebastian Orfeón Pamplonés SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg Leitung - Sylvain Cambreling
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2007  Londres  Prom 70 - Boston Symphony Orchestra 06 September 2007 Venue ROYAL ALBERT HALL Live on BBC Radio 3  James Levine gives two Proms concerts with his Boston orchestra as the culmination of their debut European tour together. Tonight, a distinguished cast, and choral groups from London and Massachusetts, combine to perform Berlioz's vivid take on Goethe's Faust - revealing the composer's unwavering dramatic instinct in set pieces including the rousing Hungarian 'Rákóczy March', Méphistophélès' entertaining 'Song of the Flea' a
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2007 Londres  Opera - Hector Berlioz - La Damnation de Faust Mit Yvonne Naef  Marguerite  , Marcello Giordani  Faust , José van Dam  Mephistophélè s , Patrick Carfizzi  Brander  u. a.; Chor - Finchley Children's Music Group, CE - Grace Rossiter Chor - Tanglewood Festival Chorus, CE - John Oliver Boston Symphony Orchestra, Dirigent - James Levine  Aufgenommen 6. September in der Royal Albert Hall in London
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2007 Tangelwood  BERLIOZ La Damnation de Faust  James Levine, conductor Yvonne Naef mezzo-soprano  Marguerite  Marcello Giordani tenor  Faust  José van Dam baritone  Méphistophélès  Patrick Carfizzi bass-baritone  Brander   Tanglewood Festival Chorus John Oliver, conductor PALS Children's Chorus Johanna Hill Simpson, founder and artistic director emerita
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2008  Munich  Hector Berlioz - La damnation de Faust Dramatische Legende in vier Teilen In französischer Sprache Marguerite - Ruxandra Donose Faust - Gregory Kunde Méphistophélès - David Wilson-Johnson Brandner - Yorck Felix Speer Stimme im Himmel - Gabriele Weinfurtner Kinderchor des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks Leitung - Charles Dutoit Aufnahme vom 18. Januar 2008 in der Philharmonie im Münchner Gasteig
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz damnation de Faust 2008 Munich  La Damnation de Faust  Légende dramatique en quatre parties de Hector Berlioz.  Livret de Gandonnière & Gérard de Nerval.  Faust - Gregory Kunde  Méphistophélès - David Wilson-Johnson Marguerite - Ruxandra Donose Brander - Yorck Felix Speer  Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks Symphonieorchesters des Bayerischen Rundfunks Charles Dutoit  München, Philharmonie im Gasteig, 18. Jänner 2008
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust1959 ORTF
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation Rotterdam 1997
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  La dannazione di Faust - Terfel-Groves-Davis - Bergen 2012  FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE BERGEN Hector Berlioz - ''La damnació de Faust'', llegenda dramàtica, op. 24. Christine Rice, mezzosoprano  Margarida . Paul Groves, tenor  Faust . Bryn Terfel, baix baríton  Mefistòfil . Havard Stensvold, baríton  Brander . Cor de Nens de Bergen. Cor de Nens de l'Òpera Nova de Bergen. Cor Filharmònic de Bergen. Collegium Musicum. Orquestra Filharmònica de Bergen. Dir. - Andrew Davis. Enregistrat per la Ràdio Noruega el dimecres 6 de juny del 2012.
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Berlioz - BENVENUTO CELLINI -  London 7/12/99 - Futral- Cals- Sabbatini- Lloyd- Barbican; Davis- cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2002 Bruxelles VIDEO
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Les Troyens  Geneve 74  Lear, Chauvet, Schroeter, Massard   Hector Berlioz Les Troyens  Grand Theatre de Geneve, 19 September 1974 Conductor - John Nelson  Enee - Guy Chauvet Didon - Evelyn Lear Cassandre - Gisela Schroeter Anna - Michele Vilma Chorebe - Robert Massard Narbal - John Macurdy Ascagne - Anne Marie Blanzat Panthee - Jules Bastin Iopas - Albert Voli Hylas - Jaume Bauro Priam & Mercure - George Pappas Soldiers - Michel Bouvier & Etienne Bettiens
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  La Damnation de Faust.Dutoit.Concertgebouw.05.02.2011  La Damnation de Faust van Hector Berlioz. Zaterdag vanaf 13 uur live vanuit het Concertgebouw op Radio4. O.a. het RFO en GO o.l.v. Charles Dutoit. Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Groot Omroepkoor Nationaal Kinderkoor JUNIOR Nationaal Jongenskoor  Celso Antunes koordirigent Charles Dutoit dirigent  Gregory Kunde tenor Sir Willard White bas-bariton Ruxandra Donose mezzosopraan Henk van Heijnsbergen bas  Berlioz La damnation de Faust  Broadcast R4
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - Les Troyens  In English   Cov.Garden 1958 Shuard-Thebom Dido -Vickers-Elms  4
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - Troyens, Boston 2008  Hector Berlioz Les Troyens Part 1 - The Capture Of Troy  Aeneas - Marcello Giordani Cassandra - Yvonne Naef Chorebus - Dwayne Croft Pantheus - Clayton Brainerd Ascanius - Kate Lindsey Hecuba - Jane Bunnell Helenus - Ronald Naldi King Priam - Julien Robbins A Trojan soldier - David Kravitz Ghost of Hector - Eric Owens A Greek captain - James Courtney  Stage Band Conductor - Julian Kuerti Tanglewood Festival Chorus Chorusmaster - John Oliver Boston Symphony Orchestra Conductor - James Levine  live 4 May 2008 Bost
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Berlioz - Troyens, Tanglewood 2008  Part 2 only   Hector Berlioz Les Troyens Part 2 - The Trojans At Carthage  Aeneas - Marcus Haddock Dido - Anne Sofie von Otter Anna - Christin-Marie Hill Narbal - Kristinn Sigmundsson Iopas - Matthew Plenk Ascanius - Kate Lindsey Pantheus - Clayton Brainerd Hylas - Philippe Castagner Ghost of Cassandra - Anna Caterina Antonacci Ghost of Chorebus - Dwayne Croft Ghost of King Priam - Julien Robbins Ghost of Hector / The God Mercury - Gustav Andreassen Trojan sentry 1 - David Kravitz Trojan sentry 2 - Kirk Eic
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  la Damnation de Faust - Vienna 1983 - Vanzo  Hello everybody,  This concert has been uploaded on OS in 2007, but the links are no more available. So, on personal request, here is my own recording which is not a copy of the previous upload, although the origin is probably the same  - the Austrian Radio broadcast. Sound excellent  - 320 kbps
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  La Damnation de Faust Solti  On private request  A great evening of Berlioz Masterpiece with a stellar cast, only a few minutes of the end are missing. Enjoy!  Hector Berlioz La damnation de Faust Frankfurt, 09 September 1986, good inhouse recording, 192kbit  Faust - Keith Lewis Margeruite - Frederica von Stade Mephisto - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Brander - Geoffrey Moses BBC Singers London Voices Welsh National Opera Chorus London Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor - Sir Georg Solti
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  La Damnation de Faust -- Magyar Radio  BERLIOZ  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST  Faust - Gerard Garino  Mephisto - Philippe Kahn  Margit - Bazsinka Zsuzsanna  Brander - Tóth János  Budapest Kongresszusi Központ,  21 March 2011  Conductor - Ligeti András  recorded from Magyar Radio 320 kbps
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  LES TROYENS Part 1 Hamburger Staatsoper 27-Nov-1983 Dirigent - Henry Lewis  Cassandra - Karan Armstrong Eneas - Guy Chauvet Choroebe - Mikael Melbye sorry no more details.  recorded inhouse.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  LA DAMNATION DE FAUST Opernhaus Düsseldorf 16-Maerz-1987
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - Les Troyens -  slight abreviation     Rome 1969      Horne-Verrett-Gedda-Luchetti-Massard  3
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - LES tROYENS - Utrecht- 1987 - K. Armstrong- Andriessen- Merritt- Smit- van der Kamp- van Nes; Lewis.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - BENVENUtO CELLINI - Boston- 5/3/75- Vickers- Wells- Gramm- N. Williams- J. Evans; CALDwell.  in English
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Berlioz - LES tROYENS - Ravinia- 7/78 - Verrett- Denize- Chauvet- Carlson- A. Berberian- Kuebler- Battle; Levine.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
All download links and files are emailed to you within 72 business hours of your order. Please note: If you are charged shipping for any MP3, please let us know and we will refund you immediately! Also, almost all CD's are available as MP3's.

Shipping rates in the USA are $5.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item. Shipping rates outside the USA are $20.00 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item.

Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.