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MP3  Purcell - Dido and Aeneas - Kirsten Flagstad 1953  sung in N  Uploaded here is a performance of Purcell's Dido & Aeneas, notable for 3 reasons - it is more or less contemporaneous with the renowned Mermaid Theatre performances  1951, recorded HMV 1952 which Kirsten Flagstad performed for an unusual but modest fee, it has its Prologue, for which the music was lost, with actors in the parts of Phoebus and Venus interspersed with some other Purcell music, and it is sung in Norwegian. > > To my knowledge this Norwegian radio recording has never b
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Purcell - Dido and Aeneas Hallenberg/Cremonesi La Fenice  Purcell - Dido and Aeneas Teatro la Fenice 14 March 2010 Broadcast  Ann Hallenberg – Dido Maria Grazia Schiavo – Belinda Julianne Young – Sorceress Sabina Vianello – First Witch Elena Traversi – Second Witch Oriana Kurteshi – Second Woman Marlin Miller – Aeneas Krystian Adam – Sailor/Spirit  Attilio Cremonesi – Conductor  To my surprise, this performance had not yet been uploaded. It features the superb Ann Hallenberg  the best Dido singing today?  in performance from Venice on modern
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell, Birthday Ode for Queen Mary, Bath Abbey 200  radio transmission, 1 , tracked, with radio comment at the end  Purcell, Birthday Ode for Queen Mary  Celebrate this festival  Bath Abbey 25 May 2003  Robert King The King´s Consort  Rebecca Outram Julie Cooper Charles Humphries Peter Nardone Andrew Carwood Roger Covey-Crump Michael George Robert Evans
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell - Dido and Aeneas Cargill/Weiss '04  Purcell - Dido and Aeneas L'Academie Europeenne de Musique Teatre de Fontblanche Vitrolles November 2004 in-house recording  ?   Dido – Karen Cargill Belinda – Cora Burggraaf Sorceress – Tomomi Mochizuki Second Woman/First Witch – Diana Fligbee Second Witch – Diana Axentii Aeneas – Ivan Geissler Spirit – David Hansen Sailor – Olivier Hernandez  Conductor – Kenneth Weiss  Yet nice another Dido--this one from the European Academy of Music which I believe is a product of the Aix-en-Provence Festival e
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell and Dryden - A Professional Friendship  Thanks to pjr2007 at the  Purcell and Dryden - A Professional Friendship  Alyn Shipton explores John Dryden and Henry Purcell's collaboration on the semi-opera King Arthur, a work which is often regarded as the first professional collaboration between librettist and composer. He is joined by Purcell biographer Jonathan Keates, who describes some of the sights, sounds and smells of the world of Restoration theatre. It was a period in which people would come in and out for single acts of an
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Ode cond. Foss RAI 84  Best SemiSerio  Henry Purcell  1659-1695  «Hail, bright Cecilia!» Ode on St. Cecilia's Day by Nicholas Brady  1659-1726  Z 328  1692  tracks 1-13  Cettina Cadelo, sop. Gabriele Schreckenbach, msop. Helga Schmidt, ct. Ernesto Palacio, ten. John Shirley Quirk, bs. Coro e Orchestra sinfonica di Milano della RAI Lukas Foss  1922-2009  Milano, March 2nd 1984  Source - RAI broadcast Ripped at 320 kbps
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Dido and Eneas 1978 BBC  Henry Purcell Dido and Aeneas, opera, Z. 626  Side 1-track 01 Act I The Palace Act II, Scene 1 The Cave Side 2-track 02 Act II, Scene 2 The Cove Act III  Dido- Tatiana Troyanos Belinda- Felicity Palmer Aeneas- Richard Stilwell 2nd Woman Venus  - Elizabeth Gale 1st Witch, Spirit, Sorceress- Alfreda Hodgson Sorceress- Patricia Kern Sailor- Philip Langridge 2nd Witch- Linn Maxwell  English Chamber Choir English Chamber Orchestra Raymond Leppard  Transfer lp Erato STU 71091 1978
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Dido Moedl    Dido und Aeneas  Dido - Martha Mödl Aeneas - Hermann Prey Belinde - Dora Lindgreen Eine Frau - Dorothea Förster-Dürlich Zauberin - Gusta Hammer Hexen - Lisa Bischof, Ursula Zollenkopf Gespenst - Fritz Göllnitz Ein Matrose - Kurt Marschner  Chor des NDR, Leitung Max Thurn Sinfonieorchester des NDR  Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt  14-Jan-1955
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Dido une Eneas 1955 Moedl plus rodelinda  Dido und Aeneas  Purcell   in german   Dido - Martha Mödl Aeneas - Hermann Prey Belinde - Dora Lindgreen Eine Frau - Dorothea Förster-Dürlich Zauberin - Gusta Hammer Hexen - Lisa Bischof, Ursula Zollenkopf Gespenst - Fritz Göllnitz Ein Matrose - Kurt Marschner  Chor des NDR, Leitung Max Thurn Sinfonieorchester des NDR  Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt  14-Jan-1955  files 12 - 16  scenes from Rodelinda  Haendel   in german   Rodelinde - Aase Norama-Lövberg Bertarich - Hermann Prey  Chor des NDR, Leitung Max Thurn Sinfonieor
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 1935  Here's an upload of my new transfer of the Decca 1935 'Dido and Aeneas' in response to a private request.  This version has considerably improved noise reduction and much more accurate equalisation than the transfer I posted last July.  It features Nancy Evans, aged just 21 when it was made, and three years before her London stage debut.  Belinda..... .....Mary Hamblin Dido........ ......Nancy Evans Aeneas...... .Roy Henderson Sorceress... .....Mary Jarred First Witch.....Gwen Catley  Boyd Neel Orchestra, conducted by Clarence Raybould
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 1935 Londres  Henry Purcell Dido and Aeneas  Aeneas - Roy Henderson Belinda - Mary Hamlin Dido - Nancy Evans Sorceress - Mary Jarred Second Woman - Gladys currie First Witch - Gwen Catley Second Witch - Gladys Currie Spirit - Olive Dyer Sailor - Sidney Northcote  Charles Kennedy Scott's A capella singers The Boyd Neel String Orchestra Cond - Clarence Raybould  Transferred from shellac discs - Decca X 101-7, mat. TA1950/64 Recorded 1935
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et enee 1953 flagstad norvegien   Purcell - Dido og Aeneas  Performance date - 14 March 1953  Dido - Kirsten Flagstad  soprano   Belinda - Kari Frisell  soprano   1st Lady - Unni Bugge-Hansen  soprano   Sorceress - Anne Brown  soprano   1st Witch - Lillian Aaby  2nd Witch - Randi Brandt Gundersen  mezzosoprano   Attendant Spirit - Ruth Linge  Aeneas - Bjarne Buntz  tenor   Sailor - Henry Gulliksen  tenor ,  Phoebus - Helge Reiss  recit   Venus - Aagot Støkken  recit   Våren  Spring  - Mona Hofland  recit   Harald Heide-Steen  opplesning resit .  Fil
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 1972 Dallas Vickers  a rare Vickers -  Purcell -  DIDO AND AENEAS    Dallas 11/10/1972  Dido  Tatiana Troyanos  Belinda  Graziella Sciutti  The Sorceress  Joan Caplan  Aeneas  Jon Vickers  Orchestra  Dallas Symphony Orchestra  Direttore  Nicola Rescigno
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 1978 Rome   Henru Purcell  Dido and Aeneas  Dido - Jessie Norman Aeneas - Peter Knapp Belinda - Romana Righetti Seconda dama; strega - Marjoire Wright Maga e spirito - Ille Strazza Un marinaio - Paolo Barbini Orchestra Accadenia Filarmonica Romana Direttore - Bernard Thomas  Precedono due arie - Giulio Cesare - sommi dei Radamisto - Piangerò la sorte mia
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 1987 Vienne NOrman Weikl  Henry Purcell - DIDO AND AENEAS  Dido Jessye NORMAN Aeneas Bernd WEIKL Belinda Sona GHAZARIAN Sorceress Ritsuko HIROTA 1st Witch Jian Min LI 2nd Witch Fiorentina CIURCA 2nd Woman Jian Min LI 1st Sailor Guido PIKAL Spirit Fiorentina CIURCA  Chor Wiener Jeunesse-Chor Einstudierung Günther Theuring Orchester ORF-Symphonieorches ter Dirigent Christoph ESCHENBACH Continuo Marek Gudlitzky, Cembalo Leonhard Wallisch, Violoncello Medium mp3, broadcast, 256 kbps Studio/Live Live Special konzertante Aufführung - CONCERT PERFO
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 2006 Paris Norman  Cast details -  Hector Berlioz Les Nuits d'Eté Choeur et Orchestre des Musiciens du Louvre/Grenoble Jessye Norman Direction  - Marc Minkowski  Henry Purcell Didon et Enée Opéra en un prologue et trois actes sur un livret de Nahum Tate Jessye Norman  - Didon Erin Wall  - Belinda Gillian Webster  - Deuxième Dame Felicity Palmer  - La Magicienne Emmanuelle Goizé  - Première Sorcière Salomé Haller  - Deuxième Sorcière Philippe Jaroussky  - Un esprit Russell Braun  - Enée Barry Banks  - Un marin  Les Musiciens du Louvre Grenobl
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee 2007 Londres  DIDO AND AENEAS Opera in three acts by Henry Purcell. Libretto by Nahum Tate.  Dido, Queen of Carthage - Emma Kirkby Belinda, her sister - Anna Bolton Sorceress - Belinda Morley Second Woman - Elizabeth Edwards First Witch - Andrea Newton Second Witch - Lorna Griffiths Spirit - Matthew Reeve Aeneas - Phillip Tebb Sailor - Sion Owen  Armonico Consort Orchestra of the Baroque Christopher Monks  London, St John's Smith Square, 27. Februar 2007
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Purcell Didon et Enee Moedl Prey 1955
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
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Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.