USA Tel (404) 200-4776


MP3  Prokofiev -  SEMYON KOTKO - Kirov Opera at Covent Garden 7/29/00 - Strashko- Filatova- Savova- Bezzubenkov- Nikitin- Mataeva- Petrenko- Chernomortsev- Loskutova- Gassiev- Markova; Gergiev- cond.  Broadcast recording.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev - Ivan the Terrible from the Salzburg Festiva  Broadcast live by OE1 this morning  Sunday 15 August 2010  from Großen Festspielhaus, Salzburg, comes this Salzburg Festival performance of an oratorio put together by Alexander Stasevich  OEI gives his first name as Abram  in 1961 based on Prokofiev's music and Eisentein's text for the film 'Ivan the Terrible'.  Sung texts are by Vladimir Lugovski.  I have to admit my heart sank when the two actors doing the spoken parts turned out not to be Russian but French and German respectively.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev ALEXANDER NEVSKY + IVAN THE TERRIBLE 2005.12.14 Paris  Borodina c Gergiev °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev AMOUR DES TROIS ORANGES  L'  2004.07.13 Aix-en-Provence°
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Amour des trois oranges 1952 Paris   Sergej Prokofiev - L'AMOUR DES TROIS ORANGES  Le Roi de Trèfle - Jacques Chalude Le prince - Henri Legay La princesse Clarisse - Solange Michel Léandre / Herault - Lucien Lovano Truffaldino / Le Maître de Cérémonies - Paul Derenne Pantalon - Bernard Demigny Tchélio - Henri Julien Fata Morgana - Geneviève Touraine La cuisinière / Farfarello - Xavier Depraz Linette - Fréda Betti Nicolette / Sméraldine - Irma Kolassi Ninette - Claudine Verneuil  Orchestre National Manuel Rosenthal, conductor Paris, 26 June 1958 - radio
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Amour des trois Oranges 1976 Chicago  The Love for Three Oranges - Sergei Prokofiev  Company Premiere - Sung in English     Lyric Opera of Chicago – December 4, 1976     Herald............ ......... ......... ......... ....... Carl Glaum  King of Hearts............ ......... ......... .... Richard Gill  Pantaloon............ ......... ......... ......... .. Alan Titus  Truffaldino............ ......... ......... ......... Jack Trussel  Leandro............ ......... ......... ......... ..... William Dooley  Clarissa............ ......... ......... ......
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Amour des trois Oranges 1979 Chicago  Prince - Frank Little Truffaldino - Jack Trussel The King - Richard T. Gill Pantalone - Timothy Nolen Fata Morgana - Elena Souliotis Celio - Eric Halfvarson Clarissa - Kathleen Kuhlmann Leandro - William Dooley Smeraldina - Wendy White Cook - Italo Tajo Farfarello - Tom Fox Ninetta - Erie Mills Linetta - Sharon Graham Nicoletta - Patricia Schrader  Georges Pretre  Chicago Lyric Opera 28 September 1979
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Amour des trois oranges 2004 aix  Prokofiev  - Love for the three oranges  Aix-en-Provence, 13. July 2004   Alexei Tanovitski  King Treff  Andrei Ilyushnikov  Prince  Nadezhda Serdiuk  Clarissa  Eduard Tsanga  Leander  Kirill Dushechkin  Truffaldino  Vladislav Sulimsky  Pantalone  Pavel Shmulevich  Tchelio  Ekaterina Shimanovich  Fata Morgana  Anna Kiknadze  Linetta  Natasha Evstafieva  Nicoletta  Julia Smorodina  Ninetta  Yuri Vorobiev  Cook  Alexander Gerassimov  Farfarello  Ekaterina Tsenter  Smeraldina  Wojciek Ziarnik  Herald   EuropaChorAkademie M
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev AMOUR DES TROIS ORANGES 2005.12.05 Paris  Rouillon, Workman, van Dam, Uria-Monzon c Cambreling °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev AMOUR DES TROIS ORANGES 2005.12.19 Paris  Rouillon, Workman, van Dam, Uria-Monzon c Cambreling
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Amour des trois Oranges 2006 Berlin Jurowsky  DIE LIEBE ZU DEN DREI ORANGEN Oper in vier Akten und einem Prolog von Sergej Prokofjew  SUNG IN GERMAN!!!  Christian Tschelebiew - der König Christoph Späth - der Prinz Christiane Oertel - Prinzessin Clarissa Nanco de Vries - Leander, Premierminister Peter Renz - Truffaldino, ein Spaßmacher Michael Nagy - Pantalone, Leibwächter des Königs Jan Zinkler - Tschelio, Zauberer Aurelia Hajek - Fata Morgana, Zauberin Manja Neumann - Prinzessin Linetta Elisabeth Starzinger - Prinzessin Nicoletta Karen Rettinghaus - P
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Ange de feu  Ruprecht - John Shaw Renata - Marie Collier Hostess - Yvonne Minton Laborar - John Rhys Evans Fortune Teller - Elizabeth Bainbridge Jacob Glock - John Fryatt Agrippa von Nettelsheim - Jon Andrew Mathias - John Rhys Evans Doctor - Francis Egerton Mephistopheles - John Fryatt Dr. Faust - John Noble Host - William McCue Mother Superior - Yvonne Minton Grand Inquisitor - Inia Te Wiata Conductor - Leon Lovett
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
MP3  Prokofiev Ange de feu 1988 Geneve  > Serge Prokofieff > > L´Ange de Feu  The Fiery Angel  > > Sophia Larson  RENATA  > Franz Grundheber  RUPRECHT  > Pauline Tinsley  LA SORCIERE  > Janine Franz  LA PATRONNE D´AUBERGE  > Ragnar Ulfung  AGRIPPA/ MEPHISTOPHELES  > Andreas Jäggi  GLOCK/ LE DOCTEUR  > Phillipe Rouillon  FAUST  > Kevin Langan  L´INQUISITEUR  > Fabrice Raviola  MATTHIAS  > > Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Choeurs de Grand Theatre Genevieve > > Bruno Bartoletti > > in French, 1988 broadcast
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Ange de feu 2007 Bruxelles  Sergei Prokofiev L'ange de feu  Brussel, Koninklijke Muntschouwburg, 10-02-2007  probable date - broadcasted 18/02   Ruprecht - baritone Igor Tarasov Renata - soprano Svetlana Sozdateleva La voyante Elena Manistina La patrone de l'auberge Beata Morawska Méphistophélès Leonid Bomstein Agrippa von Nettesheim Vitali Taraschenko Johann Faust Ante Jerkunica L'inquisiteur Vladimir Samsonov La mère supérieure Maria Gortsevskaya Jacob Glock Lorenzo Caròla Le médecin Zeno Popescu Mathias Wissman Andrej Baturkin Le cabaretier Nabil Sul
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev ANGELO DI FUOCO  L'  1959.06.26 Spoleto  Gencer, Panerai, Campi c Kertesz °
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Prokofiev enlevement au couvent 1997  Prokofiev  - Betrothal in a Monastery In-house, Mikkeli, Mikaeli Hall, 3. July 1997  Larissa Diadkova  Duenna  Nikolai Gassiev  Don Jerome  Gennady Bezzubenkov  Mendoza  Anna Netrebko  Donna Louisa  Marianna Tarassova  Donna Clara  Yevgeny Akimov  Don Antonio  Valery Lebed  Don Ferdinand  Yuri Shkliar  Don Carlos  Vladimir Vaneev  Augustin  Viktor Vikhrov  Elustaf / Pablo  Georgi Zastavny  Chartreuse / Pedro  Vyacheslav Lukhanin  Benediktin / Miguel  Tatyana Filimonova  Lauretta  Svetlana Volkova  Rosina  Vladimir Zhivopistev
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Fiancailles au couvent 1964 Turin  S. Prokofiev - Matrimonio al convento. Opera in quattro atti di Sergej Prokofiev e Mira Mendelssohn. Traduzione di Flavio Testi. Don Gerolamo - Mirto Pichi. Ferdinando - Claudio Strudthoff. Luisa - Rosanna Lippi. La governante - Fedora Barbieri. Antonio - Giorgio Merighi. Clara - Luisella Ciaffi. Mendoza - Paolo Montarsolo. Don Carlo - Renato Cesari. Padre Agostino - Renato Bruson. Elixir - Ezio De Giorgi. Chartreuse - Andrea Mineo. Benedictine - Cristiano Dalamangas. Due monaci - Andrea Petrassi, Vincenzo Preziosa. La
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Fiancailles au couvent 1997 Gergiev  Prokofiev  - Betrothal in a Monastery In-house, Mikkeli, Mikaeli Hall, 5. July 1997, 14.00 h  Olga Markova-Mikhailenko  Duenna  Nikolai Gassiev  Don Jerome  Gennady Bezzubenkov  Mendoza  Olga Trifonova  Donna Louisa  Tatyana Pavlovskaya  Donna Clara  Leonid Zakhozhaev  Don Antonio  Valery Lebed  Don Ferdinand  Yuri Shkliar  Don Carlos  Vladimir Vaneev  Augustin  Sergey Lyadov  Elustaf / Pablo  Georgi Zastavny  Chartreuse / Pedro  Vyacheslav Lukhanin  Benediktin / Miguel  Tatyana Filimonova  Lauretta  Svetlana Volkova
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Gambler  Prokofiev  - The Gambler  Mariinsky Theatre, 18. February 1995   Sergey Alexashkin  General , Lyubov Kazarnovskaya  Polina , Konstantin Pluzhnikov  Alexey , Irina Bogachova  Babulenka , Nikolai Gassiev  Marquis , Valeri Lebed  Mr. Astley , Marianna Tarasova  Blanche   Mariinsky Theatre Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Maddalena  MADDELENA  Prokofiev  Opera in one act, four scenes  Performance by Svetlana Seliunina  Soprano  Valentina Tsydipova  Soprano  Vladimir Felenchak  Tenor  Yevgeny Strashko  Tenor  Viktor Chermomortzev  Baritone   Kirov Opera Valery Gergiev  Conductor  no information about date
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Pierre et le Loup Melchior narrateur  > Serge Prokofiev > Peter and the Wolf > Broadcast 1/9/49 > > Lauritz Melchior, narrator > NBC Symphony Orchestra, > Fritz Reiner cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Semen Kotko  Prokof'ev - SEMËN KOTKO  Milano, Scala, 06/11/1973  Semën Kotko Vladimir Atlantov  La madre di Semën Nina Novosiolova  Fosja Elena Obratszova  Remenjuk Mark Rešetin  Tkatcenko Artur Eisen  Chivria Veronica Borisenko  Sofja Galina Višnevskaja  Zarjev Jurij Masurok  Ljubka Nina Lebedeva  Mikola Alexander Arkhipov  Ivassenko Stanislav Frolov  Il possidente Klemovskij Alekseij Maslennikov  Von Wirchow Vladimir Valaitis  Un vecchio interprete Vitalij Vlasov  Primo vecchio Boris Morozov  Secondo vecchio Jurij Korolëv  Prima vecchia Nina Fomina  S
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev Semjon Kotko   Semjon Kotko - Vasili Gorsjkov Sofia - Tatjana Pavlovskaja Ljoebka - Irina Loskoetova Frosia - Olga Savova Remenjoek - Jevgeni Nikitin Tkatsjenko - Gennadi Bezzoebenkov Mikola - Vladimir Felentsjak Krembovski - Nikolaj Gassiev  Chorus and Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev  Rotterdam / De Doelen 10.09.2003
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev stora of a real man 2002 Rotterdam  Prokofiev  - The Story of a Real Man  abriged version   Tatiana Borodina, Anastasia Belyaeva, sopranos; Olga Savova, Lyudmila Kannunikova; mezzosopranos; Vladimir Grishko, Kiril Dushetshkin, Vladimir Felentchak, tenors; Fedor Mozhaev, Yuri Laptev, baritones; Nikolai Okhotnikov, Mikhail Petrenko, Alexander Morozov, bassos  Mariinsky Theatre Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev  Rotterdam, De Doelen, 13. September 2002  Gergiev Festival Rotterdam   broadcast, ripped from , 160 kbt/s  Unfortunately I don't k
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  prokofiev the gambler loc 1991  PROKOFIEV The Gambler Jacque Trussel... Alexey Sheri Greenawald... Pauline Emily Golden... Blanche Stephen West... The General John Duykers... The Marquis Robert Orth... Mr. Astley Dan Frick... Baron Wurmerhelm Felicity Palmer... Babushka Jonathan Green... Croupier Gary Lehman... Croupier Brad Cresswell... Reckless Gambler Paul Kreider... Unlucky Gambler Philip Kraus... Aged Gambler Randolph Locke... Gambling Addict Tonya Currier... A Lady Nancy Maultsby... A Venerable Lady Elizabeth Byrne... A Pale Lady Phi
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev L'angelo di Fuoco Gergiev Torino 01 02 2012 TEATRO REGIO DI TORINO  L'ANGELO DI FUOCO Opera in cinque atti e sette quadri di Sergej Prokof'ev libretto di Sergej Prokof'ev dall'omonimo romanzo di Valerij Brjusov
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev - L’AMOUR DES TROIS ORANGES - Ravenna 6/20/98 - Trimpon, Vila, Regén, Goutier, White, Falo - Nagano.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Prokofiev - WAR AND PEACE - Paris, 12/7/86 - Vishnevskaya, Ochman, L. Miller, Paunova, Toczyska, Ciesinski, Gedda, Tumagian, Ghiuselev; Rostropovich.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
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Shipping rates in the USA are $5.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item. Shipping rates outside the USA are $20.00 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item.

Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.