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MP3  Offenbach - LES CONtES D’HOFFMANN - Cincinnati- 7/28/68 - Domingo- Sills- treigle- Williams; Effron.  in English/no Epilogue
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach - LES CONtES D’HOFFMANN - London- 5/3/86 - Shicoff- Serra- Armstrong- Miricioiu- Ramey- Knight; Dutoit.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach - LES CONtES D’HOFFMANN - Philadelphia- 12/14/65 - Domingo- Sills- treigle- Kleinman; Rudel.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach - LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN - Covent Garden 9/29/00 - Rancatore- Tsirakidis- Gheorghiu- Alzarez- Pertusi- Petrova- Wyn-Rogers; Villaume- cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach - ORPHÉE AUX ENFERS - Rome- 5/14/71 - Di Stefano- Vincenzi- A. RinALDi- W. Alberti; Maderna.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach L'ILE DE TULIPATAN 2005 Lyon MORTAGNE, DELGADO-BOGE, LEFOR  Jacques Offenbach L'ILE DE TULIPATAN  Lyon, Hôtel du Département November 28, 2005  Octogène Romboidal  - Christophe Mortagne Théodorine  - Claire Delgado-Boge Hermosa  - David Lefort Le Prince Alexis  - Laticia Giuffredi Le Duc de Cacatois  - Frédéric Bang-Rouet  Les Solistes du Nouveau Studio de l'Opéra de Lyon Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon Conductor  - Jean-Luc Tingaud
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach MONSIEUR CHOUFLEURI 2005 Lyon FREULON, HOOL, BILLY, ROUILL  Jacques Offenbach MONSIEUR CHOUFLEURI  Lyon, Musée des Moulages November 23, 2005  Monsieur Choufleuri  - Erick Freulon Ernestine  - Brigitte Hool Chrysodule Babylas  - Jérôme Billy Peterman  - Xavier Rouillon Monsieur Balandard  - Jérôme Avenas Madame Balandard  - Marie-Lys Langlois  Les Solistes du Nouveau Studio de l'Opéra de Lyon Choeur et Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon Conductor  - Benjamin Lévy
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Les Contes d'Hofmann.Minkowski.Paris.22.11.12  OFFENBACH  - Les Contes d'Hoffmann.  Enregistré le 22 novembre 2012 à la Salle Pleyel à Paris.  Les contes d'Hoffmann, Opéra Fantastique en 5 actes de Jacques Offenbach.  Livret de Jules Barbier, basé sur la pièce de Jules Barbier et Michel Carré.  version de concert  Distribution  -  les quatre héroïnes  - Sonya Yoncheva  Hoffmann  - John Osborn  les quatre diables  - Laurent Naouri Nicklausse, la muse  - Michèle Losier  les quatre valets  - Jean-Paul Fouchécourt  Spalanzani  - Éric Huchet  Crespel, maître Luther  - Laurent Alvaro la voix de la tombe  - Sylvie Brunet  Peter Schlémil, Hermann  - Marc Mauillon  Nathanaël  - Jul
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Hoffnann's Erzahlungen - Offenbach, Mannheim 1999  Hoffmann's Erzählungen - Offenbach  in German   Hoffmann - Robert Bruins Die Muse Nicklas - Ann-Katrin Naidu Lindorf / Coppelius / Mirakel / Dapertutto - Pete Parsch Andres / Cochenille / Franz / Pittichinaccio - Oskar Pürgstaller Olympia - Bettina Eismann-Koloseus Antonia - Nicola Beller Giulietta - Maria Slavkova Crespel - Erich Syri Antonias Mutter - Janet Collins Spalanzani / Schlemihl - Thomas Lehrberger Nathanael - Andreas Karasiak Hermann - Richard Ewert Lutter - Klaus Wendt Wilhelm -
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Hoffnann's Erzahlungen - Offenbach, Mannheim 1999   Hoffmann's Erzählungen - Offenbach  in German   Hoffmann - Robert Bruins Die Muse Nicklas - Ann-Katrin Naidu Lindorf / Coppelius / Mirakel / Dapertutto - Pete Parsch Andres / Cochenille / Franz / Pittichinaccio - Oskar Pürgstaller Olympia - Bettina Eismann-Koloseus Antonia - Nicola Beller Giulietta - Maria Slavkova Crespel - Erich Syri Antonias Mutter - Janet Collins Spalanzani / Schlemihl - Thomas Lehrberger Nathanael - Andreas Karasiak Hermann - Richard Ewert Lutter - Klaus Wendt Wilhelm -
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Contes D'Hoffmann - Sills - Treigle - Molese - NYCO - 1972  Les Contes d'Hoffmann  NYCO 1972   In House Recording    Hoffmann - Michele Molese Niklaus - Kay Creed  Lindorf/Coppelius/Dapertutto/Mirakel - Norman Treigle  Olympia/Giulietta/Antonia - Beverly Sills  Andres/Cochenille/Pitichinaccio/Franz - John Lankston  Lutter - Irwin Densen  Nathanael - Bernard Fitch  Hermann - Thomas Jamerson  Spalanzani - James Billings  Schlemihl - William Ledbetter  Crespel - Edward Pierson  A Voice - Joyce Gerber  New York City Opera Orchestra & Chorus  Cond
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Contes D'Hoffmann - Sills - Treigle - Molese - NYCO - 1972   Les Contes d'Hoffmann  NYCO 1972   In House Recording    Hoffmann - Michele Molese Niklaus - Kay Creed  Lindorf/Coppelius/Dapertutto/Mirakel - Norman Treigle  Olympia/Giulietta/Antonia - Beverly Sills  Andres/Cochenille/Pitichinaccio/Franz - John Lankston  Lutter - Irwin Densen  Nathanael - Bernard Fitch  Hermann - Thomas Jamerson  Spalanzani - James Billings  Schlemihl - William Ledbetter  Crespel - Edward Pierson  A Voice - Joyce Gerber  New York City Opera Orchestra & Chorus  Con
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Kent Nagano, Salzburg Festipiele - 2003   Jacques Offenbach LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN  Salzburg, Grosses Festspielhaus July 30, 2003  Hoffmann  - Neil Shicoff Nicklausse  - Angelica Kirchschlager La Muse  - Angelica Kirchschlager Lindorf  - Rugerro Raimondi Coppelius  - Rugerro Raimondi Dapertutto  - Rugerro Raimondi Dr. Miracle  - Rugerro Raimondi Olympia  - Lubica Vargicova Antonia  - Krassimira Stoyanova Giulietta  - Waltraud Meier La voix de la Mère d'Antonia  - Marjana Lipovsek Spalanzani  - Robert Tear Frantz  - Jeffrey Francis Andrès  - Jeffrey Francis Cochenille  - Jeffrey Francis Pitichinaccio  - Jeffrey Francis Crespel  - Kurt Rydl Nathanel  -
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Hoffmann Aurora 1999 Bamberg  from an oop  another lovely opera by eta hoffmann, one of germany´s most prominent novellist  !  of the mid-19th century.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Hoffmann Undine 1953 Munich extraits  Albert Lortzing Undine Highlights  Undine - Anny Schlemm Kühleborn - Hans Braun Veit - Walther Ludwig Hans - Toni Blankenheim  Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks Bamberger Symphoniker Victor Reinshagen  Restored from OOP vinyl disc DG LPEM 19010 Recorded ca. 1953
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Hoffmann Undine 1971 Berlin  a beautiful and delightful early romantic german opera by the master novellist eta hoffmann with a spledid cast and the original dialogue.  chor & orchester bayerischer rundfunk cond. - jan koetsier
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Ba ta Clan Paris  Jacques Offenbach  1819-1880   BA-TA-CLAN  1855  Chinoiserie musicale en un acte Libretto - Ludovic Halevy Narrator's Text - Emile Noel  Fe'-an-nich- ton, Princesse Huguette Boulangeot, soprano Ke'-ki-ka-ko, Jeune mandarin Raymond Amade, tenor Fe'-ni-han, Empereur de Che'-i-no-or Remy Corazza, tenor Ko-ko-ri-ko, Chef de la garde imperiale Rene' Terasson, bass Jean Dessailly-- Narrator Chorus of Conspirators  Chorale Philippe Caillard, Orchestre Jean-Francois Paillard, Marcel Couraud cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  OFFENBACH - Bagatelle
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach barbe Bleue   * Boulotte-Anna Ringart; Clementine-Janine Capderou; Hermia/Fleurette- Suzanna Simonka; Heloise-Therese Cedille; Rosalinde-Daniele Dinant; Isaure-Michele Mellory; Blanche-Lyliane Chatel; Eleanore-Ginette Dussaix * Barbe-Bleue- Michel Senechal; Bobeche-Jean Giraudeau, Comte Oscar-Luis Masson; Popolani-Michel Philippe; Saphir-Jean- Marie Fremeau; Alvarez-Jean Hofmann * cond. Michel Fuste-Lambezat, ORTF-Mar. 16, 1975 * 2, Track 2-LE MARIAGE AUX LANTERNES-OFFENBACH -  original premiere as Le Tresor de Mathurin in 1853 and revised in 1857 as Le
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Barbe Bleue  w. Berbie 1985
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach boulangere a des écus   * LA BOULANGERE A DES ECUS by JACQUES OFFENBACH-1875 from cassette * http -//rapidshare. com/files/ 40327970/ boulangere. zip  * Margot-Lina Dachary; Toinon-Claudine Collart * Madame de Parabere-Denise Dupleix; Madame de Sabran-Jeanette Levasseur * Ravanne-Raymond Amade; Bernadille-Aime Doniat; Le commissaire- Lucien Huberty * Coquebert-Gaston Rey; Delicat-Jacques Pruvost; Flameche-Gerard Friedmann * Le capitain des Suisses-Rene Lenoty; Un gros financier-Pierre Saugey * le petit voleur-Michel Martin * cond. Jean-Paul Creder, ORTF
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Chatte metamorphosée en Femme  Jacques OFFENBACH LA CHATTE METAMORPHOSEE EN FEMME Operette in ein Akt Libretto  - Eugène Scribe et Mélesville Uraufführung  - Bouffes-Parisiens, 39. April 1858  Minette ............ ......... ..... Huguette BOULANGEOT Marianne ............ ......... .... Janine CAPDEROU Guido ............ ......... ....... Michel HAMEL Dig-Dig ............ ......... ..... AiméDONIAT  orchestre lyrique de l'ORTF Henri GAYRAL ORTF, 12. Febuar 1970  LE 66 Operette in ein Akt Libretto  - de Forge und Laurencin Uraufführung  - Bouffes-Parisien
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Christopher Columbus  Arthur, Smith, Dawson  - operette
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach BELLE HELENE  2003.03.05 Santa Fe  Graham, Burden, Le Roux
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Belle Helene 1946 Paris Revoil  LA BELLE HELENE  Offenbach   Helene…….Fanely Revoil Paris………Louis Arnoult Menelas……Maurice Porterat Oreste……...Marcelle Sansonetti Agamemmnon…Rene Ronsil Calchas……..Gilbert Moryn Achille……...Willy Clement Ajax I………..Marcel Genio  Choeurs et Orchestre-Lyrique de la RTF Direction - Jules Gressier  Paris 1946  It must be slightly abridged.  Fillers - Revoil - Offenbach…Madame Favart…Ronde des vignes 1934 Offenbach…La Perichole Air de Lettre 1935
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach belle helene 1955 B erlin   Jacques Offenbach Die schöne Helena  Rias Berlin, März 1955   Paris, Sohn des Priamos Rudolf Schock Menelaos, König von Sparta Karl Hellmer Helena Anneliese Rothenberger Agamemnon Hans-Heinz Nissen Orestes, Sohn des Agamenmnon Wolfgang Gruner Achilles Hans Fidesser Ajax I , König von Sparta Armin Münch Ajax II, König von Lokris Hugo Schrader Kalchas, Großaugur v. Jupiter Brono Fritz  Rias Kammerchor, Rias Unterhaltungsorches ter Dirigent - Fried Walter  Berlin, Rias Berlin, März 1955
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
MP3  Offenbach Belle Helene 1955 Berlin  Jacques Offenbach DIE SCHÖNE HELENA Excerpts, sung in German  Paris - Rudolf Schock Menelaos - Karl Hellmer Helena - Anneliese Rothenberger Agamemnon - Hanns-Heinz Nissen Orestes - Wolfgang Gruner Achilles - Hans Fidesser Ajax I - Armin Münch Ajax II - Hugo Schrader Kalchas - Bruno Fritz  RIAS Kammerchor RIAS Unterhaltungsorches ter Conductor - Fried Walter  Radio production, Berlin, March 1955
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Belle hélène 1974 Stuttgart Kollo Moffo  Jacques Offenbach - DIE SCHOENE HELENA  La belle Helene  Extracts - Stuttgart 1974 Chor and Orchestra of the Stuttgart Radio, Franz Allers, Conductor  Transfer from LP Amiga,from 70´s Stereo Sound, 845194 Two sides in two files plus scans of the musical numbers and cast, 52 minutes  Helena - Anna Moffo Paris - René Kollo Kalchas - Ivan Rebroff Menelaos - Josef Meinrad Achilles - Harald Serafin Agamemnon - Hans Kraemmer Ajax I - Dieter Ballmann Ajax II - Hans-Jürgen Ballmann Pandora - Karin Meier Medusa - Urda Mei
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D HOFFMANN 1972 NY Sills, Molese, Treigl
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d Hoffmann 1980 Cologne Moser Domingo  Jacques Offenbach Hoffmanns Erzählungen  Hoffmann - Placido Domingo Olympia/Antonia/Giulietta/Stella - Edda Moser Lindorf/Coppélius/Miracle/Dapertutto - Tom Krause La Muse/Niklausse - Ann Murray Andrès/Cochenille/Frantz/Pitichinaccio - Michel Sénéchal La Mère d'Antonia - Kathleen Kuhlmann Luther - Carlos Feller Schlémil - Claudio Nicolai Spalanzani - Eberhard Katz Hermann - Ulrich Hielscher Nathanaël - Josef Protschka Crespel - Thomas Thomaschke  Chor der Kölner Oper Gürzenich Orchester  Sir John Pritchard
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d Hoffmann 1988 Madrid  OFFENBACH  LES CONTES D´HOFFMANN  Hoffmann - Alfredo Kraus Olympia - Enedina Lloris Giulietta - Patrizia Orciani Antonia - Ana María González Lindorf - Sesto Bruscantini Coppélius - Sesto Bruscantini Miracle - Sesto Bruscantini Dappetutto - Sesto Bruscantini Nicklausse - Ann Murray Andrès - Santiago Sánchez Jericó Cochenille - Santiago Sánchez Jericó Pitichinaccio - Santiago Sánchez Jericó Frantz - Santiago Sánchez Jericó Spalanzini - Bruno Bulgarelli Crespel - Alfonso Echevarría Schiemil - Fernando Balboa Luther - Miguel
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D HOFMANN 1966 Silja  Jacques Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann - sung in German Vienna State Opera - 16 October 1966 Hoffmann Waldemar Kmentt Olympia, Giulietta, Antonia, Stella Anja Silja Lindorf, Coppelius, Dappertutto, Dr. Mirakel Otto Wiener Andreas, Cochenille, Pitichinaccio, Franz Gerhard Stolze Niklaus Gertrude Jahn Spalanzani Erich Kunz Crespel Paul Schöffler Stimme der Mutter Grace Hoffman Luther Alois Pernerstorfer Nathanael Kurt Equiluz Hermann Reid Bunger Schlemil Hans Christian  Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper Josef Krips
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' hoffmann 1946 Paris
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1951 Allemangne Film soundtrck
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1960 Hamburg Extraits  Jacques Offenbach HOFFMANNS ERZÄHLUNGEN  1 Juvallera! Herr Luther, wir sind da!  Chor  2 Es war einmal am Hofe von Eisenack  Hoffmann  3 Die Becher füllet voll  Niklaus, Hoffmann  4 Phöbus stolz im Sonnenwagen  Olympia, Spalazzani, Coppelius, Cochenille, Hoffmann  5 Schöne Nacht, du Liebesnacht  Niklaus / Giulietta  6 Genug! Nicht süße Tändelei kann mein Herz bezwingen  Hoffmann  7 Ja, geht! Der Kampf kann beginnen! / Leuchte, heller Spiegel  Dapertutto  8 Sie wollen gehen?  Giulietta / Hoffmann  9 Sie entfloh,
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1970 Vienne  son   Hoffmanns Erzählungen >  in German  > film by Vaclav Kaslic > with Sylvia Geszty  Stella, Olympia, Antonia, > Giulietta  > Jon Piso  Hoffmann  > Thomas Tipton   Lindorf, Coppelius, Dapertutto, > Mirakel  >  > Rohangiz Yachmi, Herold Kraus, Helmut Krebs, Peter > Lagger u.a.  the film has aftertitles  > Chor und Orchester der Bayerischen Staatsoper unter > Christoph von Dohnanyi. Regie - Vaclav Kaslik
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1978 Berlin Goldberg  Jacques Offenbach LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN  Reiner Goldberg  Hoffmann  Violetta Madjarowa  Die Muse und Niklas  Siegfried Vogel  Lindorf, Coppelius, Mirakel, Dapertutto  Hans Peter Schwarzbach  Andreas, Cochenille, Franz, Pitichinaccio  Brigitte Eisenfeld  Olympia  Helga Termer  Antonia  Jitka Kovarikova  Giulietta  Annelies Burmeister  Stimme der Mutter  Karl Friedrich Hölzke  Spalanzani  Jürgen Freier  Schlemihl  Werner Haseleu  Krespel  Manfred Hopp  Nathanael  Siegfried Hausmann  Hermann   Hans-Joachim Hegewald
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1980 Florence  LES CONTES D' HOFFMANN  Florence 1980  ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA, cond.  Lots of music here that wasn't heard years ago. The third act, here the Giulietta act, is for my money, an absolute orgy, or cornucopia if you prefer, of gorgeous melodies, one after another. The high point of any performance of Les Contes d' Hoffman for me is always the sextet in this act - unfortunately it is not performed here as it's no longer considered authentic, but we do instead have the rarely heard, and almost as wonderful, Gambling scene. A
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 1991 Londres Sumi Jo  JACQUES OFFENBACH  LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN  OLYMPIA..... ......... ......... ......... ...SUMI JO ANTONIA..... ......... ......... ......... ...LEONTINA VADUVA GIULIETTA... ......... ......... ......... ...ANNE HOWELLS NICKLAUSSE/LA MUSA........ ......... .......JEAN RIGBY HOFFMANN.... ......... ......... ......... ...ALFREDO KRAUS LINDORF/COPPELIUS/ MIRACOLO/ DAPPERTUTTO. ...JAMES MORRIS ANDRES/COCHENILLE. ......... ......... ......PAUL CROOK PITICHINACCIO/ FRANTZ... ......... ......... .FRANCIS EGERTON LUTHER....
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' hoffmann 2001 Palerme  Hoffmann Vincenzo La Scola  Olympia Desirée Rancatore  Antonia Mariella Devia  Giulietta Patrizia Orciani  Nicklausse Francesca Franci  La Voix de la Mère Irina Pererva  Lindorf Alfonso Antoniozzi  Coppélius Alfonso Antoniozzi  Dappertutto Alfonso Antoniozzi  Le Docteur Miracle Alfonso Antoniozzi  Spalanzani Mario Bolognesi  Crespel Angelo Nardinocchi  Schlemil Armando Gabba  Andrès Luca Casalin  Cochenille Luca Casalin  Pitichinaccio Luca Casalin  Frantz Luca Casalin  Nathanaël Giuseppe Caltagirone  Maître Luther Angelo
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2004 Parma  LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN  Opéra-fantastique in un prologo, tre atti e un epilogo, su libretto di Jules Barbier dal dramma omonimo di Barbier e di Michel Carré e da E.T.A. Hofmann Musica di JACQUES OFFENBACH Editore proprietario Editions Choudens, Paris Rappresentante per l'Italia Casa Musicale Sonzogno di Piero Ostali, Milano  Hoffmann AQUILES MACHADO Olympia DÉSIRÉE RANCATORE Giulietta PATRIZIA ORCIANI Antonia RAFFAELLA ANGELETTI Nicklausse FRANCESCA PROVVISIONATO Lindorf, Coppélius, Dappertutto, Miracle MICHELE PERTUSI Spal
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2006 Madrid  This is the performance of Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann from Teatro Real de Madrid, November, 16, 2006.  Hoffmann - Marcus Haddock Nicklausse - Ekaterina Gubanova Lindorf, Coppelius, Dr Miracle, Dapertutto - Giorgio Surjan Andres, Cochenille, Frantz and Pitichinacc - Pierre Lefebvre Olympia - Desire Rancatore Antonia - Inva Mula Giulietta - Nadja Michael La voz de la madre - Francisca Beaumont Nathanael - Angel Rodriguez Spalanzani - Emilio Sanchez Hermann - Josep Ribot Schlemil - Marco Moncloa Maitre Luther / Cres
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2007 Enschede  Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann - De Nationale Reisopera  Hoffmann Gordon Gietz Lindorf/Coppé lius/Dr. Miracle/Dapertutto Franco Pomponi Spalanzani Harry Nicoll Cochenille/Frantz/ Pitichinaccio Steven Tharp Crespel Jacques Does Hermann/Schlé mil Mattijs van de Woerd Nathanaël Erik Slik Nicklausse/La Muse Judith Gennrich Olympia/Antonia/ Giulietta/ Stella Sally Silver La voix de la mère d'Antonia Elizabeth Sikora  Koor van de Nationale Reisopera en Orkest van het Oosten  William Lacey  Live recording - Enschede; Novemb
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' hoffmann 2007 Hamburg  Jacques Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007 Musikalische Leitung Emmanuel Plasson  Inszenierung Christine Mielitz Hoffmann - Giuseppe Filianoti  SteIIa/Olympia/ Antonia/Giulietta - Elena Mosuc  La Muse/Nicklausse - Nina Surguladze  Lindorf/Coppélius/ Dr. Miracle/Dapertutto - Kyle Ketelsen  Andrès/CochenilIe/ Frantz/Pitichinaccio - Benjamin Hulett  La Mère - Deborah Humble  Maitre Luther/Crespel Tigran Martirossian  Nathanael/Spalanzani - Frieder Stricker  Wilhelm - Jun-Sang Han *  Hermann - Domi
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2007 Paris  15 février 2007 Opéra Bastille à Paris  Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d'Hoffmann Opéra fantastique en un prologue, trois actes et un épilogue sur un livret de Jules Barbier d'après le drame de Jules Barbier et Michel Carré  Rolando Villazon  - Hoffmann Ekaterina Gubanova  - La Muse/ Nicklausse Franck Ferrari  - Lindorf, Coppélius, Dr Miracle, Dapertutto Christoph Homberger  - Andres, Cochenille, Frantz, Pitichinaccio Patricia Petibon  - Olympia Annette Dasch  - Antonia Nancy Fabiola Herrera  - Giulietta Marie-Paule
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2007 Vienne   main roles -  Hoffmann - Marcus Haddock Lindorf etc. - Franck Ferrari Olympia - Jane Archibald Giulietta - Ricarda Merbeth Frantz etc. - John Dickie Bertrand De Billy cond.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2007 Virginia  acques Offenbach Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Hoffmann - DAN SNYDER Olympia/Antonia/ Giulietta/ Stella - MANON STRAUSS EVRARD Lindorf/Coppé lius/Dapertutto/ Dr. Miracle - BURAK BILGILI Nicklausse/The Muse/Voice of Antonia's Mother - SONIA GARIAEFF Franz/Andrès/ Spalanzani/ Pittichinaccio - DEAN ANTHONY Luther/Crespel - BRIAN McINTOSH Nathanaël/Cochenille - AARON LOGAN Hermann/Schlé mil - BRIAN JAGDE une voix - MELVIN WILLIAMS  Conductor - PETER MARK Virginia Opera, 2007.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann film allemand  LES CONTES D' HOFFMANN   1951 ENGLISH FILM  Powell  With -Moira Shearer as Stella and Olympia, Ludmilla Tchérina as Giulietta,  Anne Ayars as Antonia, Pamela Brown as Nicklaus,  Léonide Massine as Spalanzani, Schlemil and Franz,  Robert Helpmann as Lindorf, Coppelius, Dapertutto and Dr Miracle,  Frederick Ashton as Kleinsach and Cochenille, Mogens Wieth as Crespel,  Robert Rounseville as Hoffmann, Lionel Harris as Pitichinaccio,  Philip Leaver as Andreas  Prologue and Epilogue ,    GERMAN VERSION   Rita Streich Anny Sch
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann Schock Moedl Lipp Welitsch
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN  LES  1965.12.14 Philadelphia  Sills, Domingo, Treigle c Rudel °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN  LES  1980 Köln  Domingo, Murray, Moser c Pritchard °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN  LES  1998.02.07 New York  Leech, Dessay, Racette, Larmore, Mentzer, Morris °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN  LES  2005.11.19 Lyon  Delunsch, Khomov, Naouri c Minkowski °
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hoffmann 1946 Berlin Streich, Berger, Anders, Prohaska
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 1950 Londres Beecham  Hoffmann Robert Rounseville Olympia Dorothy Bond Giulietta Margherita Grandi Antonia Ann Ayars Coppelius   Dapertutto  Bruce Dargavel Dr Miracle  Nicklaus Monica Sinclair Spalanzani  Franz   Grahame Clifford Schlemil   Crespel   Hermann   Owen Brannigan Cochenille   Pitichinaccio  Murray Dickie Luther Fisher Morgan Nathaniel Rene Soames  Sadlers Wells Chorus Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Thomas Beecham, Bart., C.H.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 1958 Paris  Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Hoffmann - Léopold Simoneau Olympia, Antonia - Mattiwilda Dobbs Giulietta - Uta Graf Nicklausse - Nata Tüscher Spalanzani, Nathanael, Andrès, Cochenille - Aime Doniat Lindorf, Coppelius, Dappertutto, Miracle - Heinz Rehfuss Crespel, Herrmann, Schlemil - Bernard Lefort Luther - August Heimpel  Conductor - Pierre-Michel Le Conte  This is from a 1958 studio recording on Festival Classique.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 1959 NY Gedda  Les Contes d'Hoffmann February 7, 1959 New York  Hoffmann - Nicolai Gedda Olympia - Mattwilda Dobbs Giulietta - Rosalind Elias Antonia - Lucine Amara Nicklausse - Helen Vanni Villains - George London Luther - George Cehanovsky Nathanael - Robert Nagy Hermann - Calvin Marsh Spalanzani - Paul Franke Schlemil - Clifford Harvout Crespel - Norman Scott Mom's voice - Mignon Dunn Andres, Cochenille Frantz, Pitichinaccio - Alessio de Paolis  cond - Jean Morel  with cue sheets
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hoffmann 1960 Naples  Antonia-Mirella Freni; Olimpia-Marta Sellas * Giulietta-Elisabett a Fusco; Nicklausse-Adriana Lazzarini * Hoffmann-Agostino Lazzari * Lindorf, Coppelio, Dappertutto, Il dottor-Sesto Bruscantini * Andrea, Cocciniglia, Pittichinaccio, Franz-Sergio Tedescho * Nathaniel-Attilio Frauto; Spalanzani-Wilhelm Walter Dicks * Crespel-Vito De Taranto; Hermann/Schlemil- Renzo Gonzales * Lutero-Cristiano Dalamangas; Voce di madre-Teresa Mandalari
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hoffmann 1962 Berlin extraits  here are some excerpts from Les Contes d'Hoffmann in German with Sándor Kónya  Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Excerpts in German   1. Vorspiel – Gluck, gluck, gluck! / Prélude – Glou, glou, glou  Chorus  2. Kann nicht schmachten und jugendlich girren / Dans le rôles d'amoureux langoureux  Lindorf  3. Juvallera! Herr Lutter, wir sind da! / Maître Luther! Tison d'enfer!  Chorus  4. Es war einmal am Hofe von Eisenack / Il était une fois à la cour d'Eisenach  Hoffmann, Chorus  5. Meine Geliebte? / Ma maîtresse?  Hoffmann  6
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 1968 San Antonio  Here is an in-house recording of The Tales of Hoffmann from the San Antonio Opera on March 3, 1968. Sound is good for an in-house of the period - a little dull, but the voices are clear.  The performance is in English -- mostly. The translation used was by Ruth and Thomas Martin. Domingo, however, frequently reverted to French whenever he chose. In this production  basically the NYCO production  the Epilogue was not performed, and the opera ended with the death of Antonia.  Hoffmann - Placido Domingo Olympia/Giulietta
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hoffmann 1970 Berlin  Jacques Offenbach  HOFFMANNS ERZÄHLUNGEN  The Tales of Hoffmann   Hoffmann - Hanns Nocker Olympia - Renate Krahmer*  only singing, acting Muszely  Antonia/Giulietta/ Stella - Melitta Muszely Lindorf/Coppé lius/Dr. Miracle/Dapertutto - Rudolf Asmus Andrèas/Cochenille/ Franz/Pitichinac cio - Werner Enders Nicklausse - Sylvia Kuziemski  Couplet sung by Barbara Sternberger*   Spalanzani - Vladimir Bauer Crespel - Horst-Dieter Kaschel Schlemihl - Alfred Wroblewski Luther - Heinz Kögel  Only the voice of  Antonias Mutter   2-Tra
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 1970 Buenos Aires  Offenbach - LES CONTES D' HOFFMANN       Buenos Aires, Colòn, 03/08/1970  Hoffmann  Sándor Kónya  Olympia  Mady Mesplé  Antonia  Heater Harper  Giulietta  Radmila Bakocevic  Stella  Africa De Retes  Nicklausse  Noemi Souza  La Muse  Teresa Serantes  La Voix de la Mère  Carmela Giuliano  Lindorf  Gabriel Bacquier  Coppélius  Gabriel Bacquier  Dappertutto  Gabriel Bacquier  Le Docteur Miracle  Gabriel Bacquier  Spalanzani  Guy Gallardo  Crespel  Juan Carlos Gebelin  Schlemil  Walter Maddalena  Andrès  Nino Falzetti  Co
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach contes d'Hoffmann 1972 Cologne  Jacques Offenbach  1819 - 1880   Hoffmanns Erzählungen  Hoffmann  - Herbert Schachtschneider Die Muse, Niklaus  - Ilse Gramatzki Lindorf, Coppelius, Mirakel, Dappertutto  - Heiner Horn Andresas, Cochenille, Franz, Pittichinacchio  - Hubert Möhler Olympia  - Ingrid Würtz-Rattunde Antonia  - Judith Beckmann Giulietta  - Ingeborg Kremling  Chor der Städtischen Bühnen Köln Chorleiter  - Hans Wolfgang Schmitz Gürzenich_Orchester der Stadt Köln Dirigent  - Siegfried Köhler  Live-Aufnahme vom 12. März 1972 - Bühnen der Stadt Köl
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 1980 Salzburg Domingo Moser    Salzburg 26. Juli 1980   Jacques Offenbach LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN Olympia / Antonia Giulietta / Stella Edda Moser  sop  Hoffmann Placido Domingo  tenor  Lindorf / Coppelius Dr. Miracle / Dapertutto Jose van Dam  bar  Nicklaus Anne Howells  mezzo  Andres / Cochenille Pittichinaccio / Franz Rémy Corazza  tenor  Antonia's Mother Jocelyn Taillon  sop  Nathanael/Crespel Spalanzani Gérard Friedmann  tenor  Hermann/Schlemil Peter Weber  bass  Luther Kurt Rudel  bar  Wiener Staatsopernchor und Wiener Philharmonike
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 1983 Hongrie  Hoffmann Mes�i A fantastikus opera het felvonasban Barbier Jules �rta, magyar forditas Innocent Vincze Ernő  Olympia ............ ......... ...... �GAY Karola Antonia ............ ......... ...... OROSZ J�lia Giulietta, Stella ............ ..... D�RY Karola Hoffmann ............ ......... ..... ILOSFALVY R�bert Coppelius, Dapertutto, Lindorf .... RADNAI Gy�rgy Mikl�s ............ ......... ....... SZ�NYI Olga Ferenc, Franz, Pittichinaccio ..... KISHEGYI &
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 1985 Paris  Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d'Hoffmann Opéra fantastique en 4 actes Livret de Jules Barbier et Michel Carré  Hoffmann  - Alain Vanzo Lindorf, Coppelius, Dappertutto, Dr. Miracle  - Michael Devlin Olympia  - Beverley Hoch Antonia  - Christine Weidinger Giulietta  - June Card Nicklausse  - Judith Forth Andrès, Cochenille, Frantz, Pitchinaccio  - Michel Sénéchal Crespel  - David Wilson-Johnson La mère d'Antonia  - Jocelyne Taillon Spalanzani  - Jean-Christophe Benoit Schlémil  - Armand Arapian Luther  - Philippe Chassel Natha
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN 1989  Lima, Van Dam, Mills, Forst, Malfitano - 23 Dec 1989
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hoffmann 1992 Meiningen  HOFFMANNS ERZAEHLUNGEN Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Live recording Suedthueringisches Staatstheater Meiningen Conductor - Wolfgang Hocke 25.March 1992 Chor & Orchester des Suedthueringischen Staatstheaters Meiningen  Hoffmann.... ......... ......... ......Klaus Gerber Niklaus..... ......... ......... ......Ute Daehne  Lindorf,.... ......... ......... ......Christoph Luedecke Coppelius, Dapertutto, Mirakel  Olympia..... ......... ......... ......Kersten Keller Giulietta... ......... ......... ......Heike Lerer Antonia..... .
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN 2001.04.15 Wien
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN 2002.01.23 Palermo  La Scola Devia Rancatore   Stagione lirica 2001 / 2002 del TEATRO MASSIMO DI PALERMO 23/01/2002  LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN Opéra-fantastique in tre atti di Jules Barbier Musica di Jacques Offenbach  Hoffmann, Vincenzo La Scola Olympia, Desirée Rancatore Antonia, Mariella Devia Giulietta, Patrizia Orciani Niklausse, Francesca Franci Lindorf, Coppélius, Le docteur Miracle, Dapertutto, Alfonso Antoniozzi Spalanzani, Mario Bolognesi Crespel, Luther, Angelo Nardinocchi Andrés, Cochenille, Franz, Pitichinacchio, Luca Casalin
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN 2004 Milano  Bertini
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 2004 NY  Hoffmann - RAMÓN VARGAS Olympia - ALEKSANDRA KURZAK Antonia/Stella - HEI-KYUNG HONG Giulietta - BÉATRICE URIA-MONZON Lindorf/Coppé lius/Dappertutto /Dr. Miracle - JAMES MORRIS Nicklausse/Muse - RUXANDRA DONOSE Andrès/Cochenille/ Pitichinaccio/ Frantz - JEAN-PAUL FOUCHÉCOURT Luther/Crespel - HAO JIANG TIAN Nathanaël/Spalanzani  - BERNARD FITCH Hermann/Schlemil - KIM JOSEPHSON Mother's Voice - WENDY WHITE Conductor - FRÉDÉRIC CHASLIN December 20, 2004
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach CONTES D'HOFFMANN 2004.02.11  Villazón
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 2006 Madrid  OFFENBACH · LES CONTES D´HOFFMANN   edited and cut in tracks - 1, 20 tracks; 2, 3 tracks; 3, 12 tracks   Hoffmann - Marcus Haddock Nicklausse - Ekaterina Gubanova Lindorf, Coppelius, Dr Miracle, Dapertutto - Giorgio Surjan Andres, Cochenille, Frantz, Pitichinacchio - Pierre Lefebvre Olympia - Desire Rancatore Antonia - Inva Mula Giulietta - Nadja Michael Madre de Antonia - Francisca Beaumont Nathanael - Angel Rodriguez Spalanzani - Emilio Sanchez Hermann - Josep Ribot Schlemil - Marco Moncloa Maitre Luther / Crespel - Chri
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes D'Hoffmann 2007 Gronningen  Here is a Premium upload of a inhouse recording of Offenbach his opera Contes de Hoffmann live from Groningen. Preformance was given on the 1st of December 2007 and it had the following cast - Lindorf - Franco Pomponi Hermann - Mattijs van de Woerd Hoffmann - Gordon Gietz Nicklausse - Judith Gennrich Spalanzani - Harry Nicoll Coppelius - Franco Pomponi Olympia - Sally Silver Antonia - Sally Silver Dr. Miracle - Franco Pomponi Giuletta - Sally Silver Dapertutto - Franco Pomponi Muze - Judith Gennrich Nathanael - Erik Sl
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'hoffmann 2007 madrid  OFFENBACH · LES CONTES D´HOFFMANN   edited and cut in tracks - 1, 20 tracks; 2, 3 tracks; 3, 12 tracks   Hoffmann - Marcus Haddock Nicklausse - Ekaterina Gubanova Lindorf, Coppelius, Dr Miracle, Dapertutto - Giorgio Surjan Andres, Cochenille, Frantz, Pitichinacchio - Pierre Lefebvre Olympia - Desire Rancatore Antonia - Inva Mula Giulietta - Nadja Michael Madre de Antonia - Francisca Beaumont Nathanael - Angel Rodriguez Spalanzani - Emilio Sanchez Hermann - Josep Ribot Schlemil - Marco Moncloa Maitre Luther / Crespel - Chri
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach contes d'hofmann 2006 Minnesota  Les Contes d'Hoffmann - Jacques Offenbach Minnesota Opera Company November 2006  Hoffmann - Richard Troxell Lindorf/Dr. Miracle/Coppé lius/Dapertutto - Dean Peterson Nicklausse/The Muse - Adriana Zabala Olympia - Nili Riemer Antonia - Karin Wolverton Giulietta - Alison Bates Hermann/Schlé mil - Kory Bickel Spalanzani/Nathanaë l - Joshua Kohl Cocheneille/ Franz/Pitichinac cio/Andrès - Edward Mout Antonia's mother - Andrea Coleman Conductor - Jacques Lacombe
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Contes d'Hofmann 2008 Vienne  Tales of Hoffmann  in German   Volksoper - Vienna 7 January 2008  Hoffmann   Mathias Schulz Olympia   Daniela Fally Giulietta   Adrinah Simonian Antonia   Kristiane Kaiser Stella   Doris Hindinger Lindorf   Jochen Schmeckenbecher Coppélius   Jochen Schmeckenbecher Dappertutto   Jochen Schmeckenbecher Dr. Miracle   Jochen Schmeckenbecher Nicklausse/Muse  Eva Maria Riedl Andrès   Karl-Michael Ebner Cochenille   Karl-Michael Ebner Pitichinaccio   Karl-Michael Ebner Frantz   Karl-Michael Ebner Luther   Karl Huml Nathanael   Wol
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Daphnis et Chloe 1949  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Daphnis et Chloé Opérette in 1 Akt Text von Clairville und Jules Cordier Uraufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 27. März 1860  Chloe ............ ......... ......... .... Bettina Bruckner Daphnis ............ ......... ......... .. Günther Ambrosius Calisto ............ ......... ......... .. Gabriele Possinke Xanthipe ............ ......... ......... . Marie Madlen Madsen Locoe ............ ......... ......... .... Elisabeth Wuttke Amalthea ............ ......... ......... . Otti Ottmar Niobe .....
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Demoiselle en lotterie  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Une demoiselle en loterie Operette bouffe in ein Akt Libretto - Adolphe Jaime fils und Hector Crémieux Uraufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 1857  Pigeonneau ............ ......... ......... .... Vincent Girodi Demeloir ............ ......... ......... ...... Philippe Huttenlocher Aspasie ............ ......... ......... ....... Berta Retshizka  orchestre de la Radio Suisse-Romande Isidore Karr  Radio Suisse-Romande  broadcast , 1970  ?
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Deux aveugles Croquefer  Les DEUX AVEUGLES  Patachon…..Laurence Dale Giraffier……Graham Clark  And  CROQUEFER  Croquefer…..Jorge Lopez-Yanez Ramasse-ta-Tete… .Jeffrey Francis Boutefeu…….Justin Lavender Fleur de Souffre….Inger Dam-Jensen  Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester Saarbrucken Cond - Lu Jia 1996
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Deux pecheurs  Précisions sur les Deux pêcheurs / Besetzung und Aufnahmenzeit von der Deux pêcheurs / Here the cast  Gros-Minet ............ ......... ........ Jean Kriff Polissard ............ ......... ......... François Salez Piano ............ ......... ......... .... ?  P  1987 Bourg BG 2016
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Fantasio 2000 Rennes  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Fantasio Opera-comique in drei Akte Libretto  -  Paul de Musset und Charles Nuitter , nach Alfred de Musset Uraufführung  - Paris, Opéra-Comique, 18. Jänner 1872 Gesamtaufnahme  Fantasio ............ ......... ......... ... Martial DEFONTAINE Elsbeth ............ ......... ......... .... Ianne ROULEAU Le prince de Mantoue ............ ......... Franck LEGUERINEL Marinoni ............ ......... ......... ... Christophe CRAPEZ Sparck ............ ......... ......... ..... Philippe RABIER Flamel .........
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach FANTASIO 2000.10.19 Rennes°
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach fille dutambour majour , lecon de chant   * LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOUR-1879 excerpts from lp * Track 1-overture, cond. Richard Bonynge * Track 2-5-Stella-Liliane Chatel-sop.; Claudine-Nadine Sautereau-sop. * Suzanne Lafaye-m.s.; Briolet-Remy Corazza-ten. * Le duc-Thierry Peyron-ten.; Robert-Michel Dens-bar. * Monthabor-Dominique Tirmont-bar. ; Bambini-Jacques Pruvost-bar. * cond. Felix Nuvolone from Pathe-Marconi lp * Track 6-LA LECON DU CHANT-1867-ORTF broadcast, date unknown * Enrique Dens; Henri Temps; Christophe Affre
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Genevieve de Brabant 1970 ORTF  Geneviève de Brabant by Jacques Offenbach  Conductor Marcel Cariven - 1970 Orchestra ---- Orchestre Lyrique de l'O.R.T.F. Chorus ------- Chorale Lyrique de l'O.R.T.F.  Geneviève --------- Annik Simon Brigitte ---------- Matthias Henneberg Isoline ----------- Germaine Duclos Drogan ------------ Monique Stiôt Sifroy ------------ Bernard Plantey Charles Martel ---- Jean-Christophe Benoit Christine --------- Christiane Chateau Dulcine ----------- Régine Vallier Bradamante -------- Lisette Keray Golo ------------ -- René Terra
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Grande Duchesse 2003 Graz  Jacques OFFENBACH La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein Opera-Bouffe in drei Akte Libretto  - Henri Meilhac und Ludovic Halévy Uraufführung - Paris, Théâtre des Variétés, 12. April 1867  Irène ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Marie-Ange TODOROVITCH Wanda ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Sophie MARIN-DEGOR Fritz ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Markus SCHÄFFER General Boum ............ ......... ......... .... Philippe DUMINY Prinz Paul ............ ......... ......... ...... Deon VAN DER WALT
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein 1959 NY  La Grande-Duchese - Jennie Tourel Wanda - Laurel Hurley Fritz - André Turp Prince Paul - Louis Quilico General Boum - Martial Singer Baron Puck - André Lortie Baron Grog - Stefan Schnabel  Arnold Gamson, Conductor The America Opera Society  Town Hall, NY, Nov. 1959
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Ile de Tulipatan 1998 Cologne   Jacques Offenbach - Die Insel Tulipatan  GA   61 Min.  Herzog Cacatois XXII ............ .....Axel Mendrok Alexis, Erbprinz.. sein Sohn ......Marina Edelhagen  Romboidal, Großseneschall. ......Henner Leyhe Theodorine.. ......... ......... ......... ...Maria Leyer  Hermosa.. beider Tochter .... ......Boris Leisenheimer  Bonner Kammerchor WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln  WDR Cologne  - Cond. Helmut Froschauer Köln/Cologne 1998
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Jeanne qui pleure Jean qui rit  <FONT COLOR=BLUE>NOTE - ONLY 26 MINUTES OF MUSIC.</FONT color>   Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Jeanne qui pleure et Jean qui rit opérette en 1 acte paroles d'Hector Crémieux et Philippe Gille, créée le 19 juillet 1864 au Kursaal de Bad Ems et le 16 décembre 1865 aux Bouffes-Parisiens.  Jeanne ............ ......... ......... ...... Lina Dachary Cabochon ............ ......... ......... .... Joseph Peyron Nicolas ............ ......... ......... ..... Bernard Plantey Savinien ............ ......... ......... .... Jean-Pierr
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
MP3  Offenbach Jolie Parfumeuse  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  La jolie parfumeuse Opera-comique in drei Akte Libretto  - Hector Crémieux und Ernest Blum Uraufführung  - Paris, Renaissance, 29. November 1873  Rose Michon ............ ......... ......... ..... Lina DACHARY Bavolet ............ ......... ......... ......... Michel HAMEL Poirot ............ ......... ......... ......... . Aimé DONIAT La Cocardière ............ ......... ......... ... Willy CLEMENT Germain ............ ......... ......... ......... Jacques PRUVOST Clorinde ............ ......... .........
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Kleine Zauberfloete  <font color=blue><h3>Excerpts only, 30 minutes in length.</font color> </h3>  Offenbach  - Die Kleine Zauberflöte Nanette - Eva Kasper Madame Robin - Gabrielle Treskow Monsieur Robin - Karl Diekmann Soldat - Alfons Holte Advokat - Kurt Gester  Offenbach  - Die Verlobung bei der Laterne Pierre - Alfons Holte Denise - Eva Kasper Fanchette - Ditha Sommer Catherine - Erika Wien Nachtwaumchter - Alfons Holte  Conductor - Carlos Kleiber  Live Recordings at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Düsseldorf, on 1st December 1962.  Source - ZDF-TV broad
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach La belle Lurette  On request by Frédéric and for all operetta fans the 1 -1 soundtrack of the seldom performed DEFA-Musikfilm DIE SCHÖNE LURETTE, music by Jacques Offenbach.   Offenbach Die schöne Lurette - in German -  Lurette - Ingeborg Wenglor, soprano Campistrel - Charles Geerd, tenor Herzog von Marly - Martin Ritzmann, tenor Rose - Irmgard Arnold, soprano Marcelline - Gertrud Stilo, mezzo-soprano  rare  Belhomme - Herbert Rössler, bass Merluchet - Reiner Süß, bass Abbé - Josef Burgwinkel, bass-baritone Mamsell - Sieglinde Gossmann, soprano Cigogn
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach La Créole - 1969  Cariven, Boulangeot  - operette
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach La Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein  Lott,Beuron,LeRoux_Minkowski_Paris04
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach le Docteur OX 1978 cologne  Der Doktor Ox Fantastische Operette in 3 Teilen von Jacques Offenbach Von Philippe Gille, Arnold Mortier sowie Werner Haentjes und Hansgünther Heyme nach einem Stoff von Jules Verne  Dr. Paracelsus Ox - Jürg Löw Ygen, sein Famulus - Erich Hallhuber Chrysostomos von Tricasse - Wolfgang Robert Hermine, seine Frau - Evelyn Matzura Suzel, seine Tochter - Alberta Schatz Niclausse, sein Vetter - Werner Brehm Josse - Georg Peter-Pilz Franz, sein Sohn - Miro Nemec Prascovia, kaukasische Prinzessin - Helga David Shavoura - Peter Kagha
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach le Pont Des Soupirs  Hamel - Donia - Peyron
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach les Bavards  Here's a great recording of Offenbach's 1863 opera, Les Bavards. The recording is a LP transfer, and the opera is recorded complete. It's total running time is less than an hour, so it easily fits on one . However, as the transfer came from an LP, surface noise, and a few pops and ticks can be heard. I apologize for this. Nevertheless, the music is so good that I think that makes up for the sonic defects. Anyway, here's Offenbach as his very best!
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach LES BRIGANDS  1989 Trempont, Raphanel, Alliot-Lugaz   Les brigands, operetta in 3 acts Composer    Jacques Offenbach  Performance Date    May 20, 1988 - May 25, 1988  Time    104 -45  Recorded    Opéra de Lyon    Michel Trempont   Vocals  Colette Alliot-Lugaz   Vocals  Ghylaine Raphanel   Vocals  Thierry Dran   Vocals  Tibere Raffali   Vocals  Etienne Collard   Producer  John Eliot Gardiner   Conductor  Josee Malamoud   Design  Andrew Lamb   Liner Notes  Lyon Opera Orchestra   Orchestra  Gerard Amsellem   Cover Photo  Choeur de l'Opéra National de Lyon
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach les deux aveugles  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Les deux aveugles Bouffonnerie musicale in ein Akt Text - Jules Moinaux Uraufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens  Marigny , 5. July 1855  Girafier ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Aimé Doniat Patachon ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Joseph Peyron orchestre lyrique de l’ORTF Marcel Cariven  radio broadcast, ORTF, 8. August 1971
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach les fees du Rhin 2005 Trier  Theater Trier Die Rheinnixen Chor & Orchester Theater trier Dirigent - Istvan denes  Dress Rehearsal   Armgard - Jana Havranova Hwedwig - Vera Wenkert Franz - Gor Arsenian Conrad - Andreas Scheel Gottfried - Nico Wouters
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Les_Fees_Du_Rhin-3-2003-  Regina Schörg, Nora Gubisch, Piotr Beczala, Layer
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Lischen et Fritzchen   Offenbach  Lischen and Friszschen  ORTF to dir Gayral
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Madame Favart 1960 Paris  are - Favart.....Camille Maurane Hector.....Joseph Peyron Cotignac...Andre Balbon Biscotin...Raymond Liot Mme Favart..Suzanne Lafaye Suzanne..... Lina Dachary Pontsable... Rene Lenoty La Rose.....Jacques Pruvost etc as provided for date and orchestra. In 1982 the BBC broadcast a performance of this operetta in English with Della Jones as Mme Favart. It seems to be a more complete version than either from the ORTF and perhaps one of our members has it on an old tape. My first ever request if it exists! regards Ken Reis  Paris 19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach madame Favart 1965 Paris  Location  - Paris Studio Performance  - Monday 22 February 1965 Broadcast  - France Musique, Wednesday 07 May 2008 no internet involved in recording  Jacques Offenbach  1819-1880   - Madame Favart  1878   Lina Dachary  mezzo   - Madame Favart Claudine Collart  soprano   - Suzanne Aime Doniat  barytone   - Favart Lucien Lovano  bass-barytone   - Le Major Cotignac Joseph Peyron  tenor   - Hector de Boispreau Rene Lenoty  tenor   - Marquis de Pont-Sable Jacques Pruvost  barytone   - Biscotin Gaston Rey  tenor   - Sergent Larose  C
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Madame Favart 1978  * MADAME FAVART by JACQUES OFFENBACH-1878 from RRE lp's  * Madame Favart-Lina Dachary; Suzanne-Linda Felder * Hector-Bernard Plantey; Favart-Aime Doniat; Cotignac-Gerard Chapuis * ORTF, cond. Jean Doussard, date unknown * 2-Track2,3- DAPHNIS ET CHLOE-Offenbach- 1860, sung in English * Daphnis-Sandra Francis; Chloe-Delith Brook; Xantippe-Jane Wilcox; Amalthea-Pauline Byrne * Locoe-Deborah Staiman; Niobe-Gaye-Lynn Kern; Calisto-Freda Farnworth; Pan-Michael Vallat * cond. Vilem Tausky, Guildhall School of Music, London- Dec. 21, 1977
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Madame l'archiduc  Marietta-Lina Dachary * La comtesse-Janette Levasseur * Giacometta-Rosine Bredy * Fortunato-Raymond Amade * L'archiduc Ernest-Dominique Tirmont * Giletti-Pierre Miguel * Le comte-Gaston Rey * Riccardo-Aime Doniat * Pontefiascone- Rene Lenoty * Bonaventura- Jacques Pruvost * Piano-Dolce- Michel Martin * Frangipano-Michel Fauchey * Bonnardo-Marcel Vigneron * L'hotelier-Genio * ORTF-cond. Jean-Claude Hartemann-Nov. 27, 1963 * 2-tracks 12-30-LA CHANSON DE FORTUNIO-OFFENBACH- 1861 * Madame Fortunio-Lina Dachary * Babet-Freda Betti * Valent
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach madame l'Archiduc 1969 Paris  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Madame l'Archiduc Opéra-Bouffe in 3 Akte Text - Ludovic Halévy und Albert Millaud Urauffuhrung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 31. Oktober 1874  Marietta ............ ......... ......... ...... Christiane JACQUIN La comtesse ............ ......... ......... ... Janine LINDAFERLDER Giacometta ............ ......... ......... .... Régine VALLIER L'Archiduc Ernest ............ ......... ...... Jacques LOREAU Giletti ............ ......... ......... ....... Bernard PLANTEY Fortunato ............ ......
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach maitre Peronilla  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  MAÎTRE PERONILLA opéra-bouffe in drei Akten Libretto  - M*  J. Offenbach  Uraufführung  - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 13. März 1878  Péronilla ............ ......... ......... ........ Dominique TIRMONT Manuela ............ ......... ......... ......... . Claude BERGERET Alvarez ............ ......... ......... ......... . Michèle HERBE Fimouskino ............ ......... ......... ....... Monique STIOT Riccardo ............ ......... ......... ......... Joseph PEYRON Léona ............ ......... ......... ...
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Mamz'elle Moucheron
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach mari à la Porte 1970 Paris  UN MARI a la PORTE  Offenbach   Suzanne …..Monique Stiot Rosita …….Linda Felder Florestan Ducroquet….Aime Doniat Henri Martel…..Jacques Tharande  Orchestre Lyrique de l'ORTF Direction  - Jean Brebion  Paris 29 Novembre 1970
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach BARBE-BLEUE- 1866, from UORC lp's, without dialogue, adequate sound  * Boulotte-Janine Capderou-m.s. ; Barbe-Bleue- Michel Senechal-ten. * Anna Ringart, Jean Giraudeau, Luis Masson * cond. Michel Fuste-Lambezat, ORTF-1975 * 2, Track 2-LE MARIAGE AUX LANTERNES-OFFENBACH -  original premiere as Le Tresor de Mathurin in 1853 and revised in 1857 as Le Mariage aux Lanternes  from cassette * Denise-Norma Burrowes-sop. ; Franchette-April Cantelo-sop. * Catherine-Patricia Kern-m.s.; Guillot-Philip Langridge-ten. * cond. Raymond Leppard, B
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Mesdames de la Halle 1958 Paris
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach MONSIEUR CHOUFLEURI 2005.11.23 Lyon  Freulon, Hool, Billy, Rouillon c Levy
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Monsieur Choufleury 2007 Bruxelles  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  – de SAINT-REMY  1811-1865  Monsieur Choufleury restera chez lui le… Operette-bouffe in ein Akt Libretto  - M*  Ludovic Halévy et Hector Crémieux , Uraufführung  - Paris, Présidence du Corps législatif, 31. Mai 1861  Monsieur Choufleury ............ ......... ... Michel TREMPONT Chrysodule Babilas ............ ......... .... Yves SAELENS Ernestine ............ ......... ......... .... Hendrickje van KERCKHOVE Petermann ............ ......... ......... .... Lionel LHOTE M. Balandard ......
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Offmann cast  Hoffmann   Rudolf Schock Niklaus   Maria von Ilosvay Stella    Annelie Jansen Olympia   Wilma Lipp Giulietta   Martha Mödl Antonia   Elfriede Trötschel Lindorf   Alexander Welitsch Coppelius   Alexander Welitsch Dapertutto   Alexander Welitsch Dr. Mirakel   Alexander Welitsch Andreas   Walter Kassek Conchenille   Walter Kassek Pitichinaccio   Walter Kassek Franz    Walter Kassek Luther    Anton Imkamp Hermann   Walter Schönfeld Nathanael   Ernst-August Steinhoff Spalanzani   Willy Hofmann Schlemihl   Robert Blasius Crespel   Otto von Rohr
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Orphee aux enfers 2007 Vienne  this was broadcasted on Ö1 on 31. 12. 2007, recorded during performances of the Volksoper in Vienna in September 2007  Jacques Offenbach Orpheus in der Unterwelt  sung in German  Wien, Volksoper, Sept. 2007  Eurydike - Jennifer Bird Diana - Martina Dorak Öffentliche Meinung - Erni Mangold Venus - Regula Rosin Juno - Helga Papouschek Minerva - Ulrike Pichler-Steffen Geigerin - Caroline Löffler Pluto  Aristeus  - Christian Baumgärtel Jupiter - Carlo Hartmann Orpheus - Sebastian Reinthaller Hans Styx - Peter Matic Merkur - Wo
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Orphée aux Enfers 1997 Geneve  CAST  -  Offenbach – Orphée aux Enfers  September 28 , 1997 Genève  Annick Massis , Eurydice Yann Beuron , Orphée Laurent Naouri , Jupiter Martine Mahé , l'Opinion Publique Eric Huchet , Aristée / Pluton Steven Cole , John Styx Cassandre Berthon , Cupidon Maryline Fallot , Vénus Lydie Pruvot , Junon Alketa Cela , Minerve Yves Coudray , Mercure  Orch . Suisse Romande Chœurs du Grand Théâtre de Genève Marc Minkowsky  RadioBroadcast .
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Orphée aux enfers 2007 anglais  ques Offenbach ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD Performed in English In-house recording  Glimmerglass Opera Orchestra and Chorus dir  - Jean-Marie Zeitouni July 7, 2007  Joyce Castle  Public Opinion  Juliet Petrus  Eurydice  - replacing Jill Gardner Kurt Lehmann  Orpheus  Marc Heller  Aristeus/Pluto  Joélle Harvey  Cupid  Donna Smith  Venus  Jake Gardner  Jupiter  Ellen Wieser  Diana  Margaret Gawrysiak  Juno  Joseph Gaines  Mercury  Susan Jean Hellman  Minerva  Corey Crider, Mitchell Beecher, Theodore Carbone  Pluto's cronies
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Pepito  Jacques Offenbach  1819-1880  Pepito Opera-comique in ein Akt Libretto - Jules Moinaux und Léon Battu Uraufführung - Paris, Théâtre des Variétés, 28. Oktober 1853 Erstaufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 10. März 1856 Gesamtaufnahmme mit Dialog  Manuelita ............ ......... ......... .... Mady MESPLE Miguel ............ ......... ......... ....... Albert VOLI Vertigo ............ ......... ......... ...... Yves BISSON  orchestre lyrique de l'ORTF dir. - Catherine COMET  Radio broadcast, 22. Juni 1975  stereo
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Permission de dix heures
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
MP3  Offenbach Pierrette et Jacquot
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Pomme d'Api  Koch, Granger
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Princesse de Trebizon   the French saga goes on - another delightful Offenbach operetta from Paris 1966 under Marcel Cariven with the usual highly competent radio crew of those days - Lina Dachary, Joseph Peyron, Aimé Doniat and others.
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
MP3  Offenbach Princesse de Trébizonde 1972 Paris  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  La princesse de Trébizonde Opera-comique in drei Akte Libretto  - Hector Crémieux und Ernest Blum Uraufführung  - Paris, Renaissance, 29. November 1873 Gesamtaufnahme mit Dialog  Zanetta ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Anne-Marie SANIAL Regina ............ ......... ......... ......... ... Monique STIOT Paola ............ ......... ......... ......... .... Germaine DUCLOS Raphaël ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Michael PIERI Casimir ............ ......... .....
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Rheinixen 2005 Cottbus  offenbach die rheinnixen staatstheate cottbus 2005 cond - reinhard petersen  franz - klaus wilde conrad - andreas ilpel Gottfried - Thomas Rönnebec Hedwig - Caroa Fischer Armgard - anna sommerfeld fee - gesine postberger bauer - dirk kleinke landsknecht - matthas bleidorn
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach Rheinixen 2005 Trier  offenbach die rheinnixen theater trier professional inhouse rec, 13!!!!! may, 2005  before the constitution on this group  cond - istvan denes armgard - jana havranova hedwig - vea wenkert franz - gor arsenian conrad - andreas sceel gottfried - nico wouterse
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Robinson Crusoe  Brecknock, Kenny, Browne
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Robinson Crusoe 1980 Paris  Another delight from Paris - Offenbach´s Robinson Crusoe in a production of the Theatre des Champs Elysees 1980 and bcast by French radio 1980. 3 has  track 3 pp  as a bonus the Australian  or US?  Tenor Charles Richard  who had a strong career in France and goes as THE french tenor de rigeur  and French soprano Suzanne Juyol in excerpts from Roi d´Ys, Mignon and Tosca. Enjoy - Herbert  Offenbach Robinson Crusoe Paris Teatre des Champs Elysees 1980/ORTF Conductor Jean-Pierre Marty Robinson - Michel Senechal Edvige - Peggy Bou
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Rose de Saint Flour  La Rose de Saint-Flour opérette 1 Akt Text - Michel Carré und Charles Nuitter Uraufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens  Marigny , 12. July 1856  Pierrette ............ ......... ......... ........ Janine Lindafelder Chapaillou ............ ......... ......... ....... Aimé Doniat Marcachu ............ ......... ......... ......... Robert Andreozzi  orchestre lyrique de l’ORTF Jean Brébion
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Rose de Saint Flour Cologne   La rose de Saint-Flour Operette in einem Akt von Jacques Offenbach  Sabine Ritterbusch Stefan Finke Bernhard Schneider WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln Leitung - David de Villiers
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Savetier et finacier, tromb al cazar  Jacques OFFENBACH  1819-1880  Tromb-Al-Cazar ou les Criminels dramatiques boufonnerie in ein Akt Text von Charles Dupeuty und Ernest Bourget Uraufführung  - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens, 3. April 1856  Gigolette ............ ......... ......... Fanély Révoil Beaujolais ............ ......... ........ Gaston Rey Vertpanné ............ ......... ......... Aimé Doniat Ignace ............ ......... ......... ... René Hérent  orchestre Radio-lyrique Maurice Sauret Radio broadcast   Le Financier et le savetier opérette bouffe
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Signor Fagotto  Komische Operette in ein Akt  Libretto  - Charles Nuitter und Etienne Tréfeu  Uraufführung  - Wien, Karltheater, 11. Februar 1864   Gesamtaufnahme der Wiener Fassung  Bacolo ............ ......... ..... Axel Mendrock Clorinda ............ ......... .Anke Hoffmann Bertolucci ............ ........Henner Leyhe Fabrizio ............ ......... .Dorothee Jansen Moschetta ............ .......Marina Hedelhager Caramello ............ ......Konrad Beinkirche  Kölner Rundfunkorchester  Leitung - Peter Falk übertragung - WDR3, 6. Mai 1997
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Offenbach une nuit  Blanche  Une nuit blanche opéra comique 1 Akt Text - Edouard Plouvier Uraufführung - Paris, Bouffes-Parisiens  Marigny , 5. July 1855  Fanchette ............ ......... ......... ......... .. Monique Stiot Hercule ............ ......... ......... ......... .... Joseph Peyron Jean ............ ......... ......... ......... ....... Bernard Demigny  orchestre lyrique de l’ORTF Marcel Cariven
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach une nuit blanche  * from old cassette featuring the music only. * Tr.1&2-UNE NUIT BLANCHE-1855- ORTF-1969, cond. Marcel Cariven * Fanchette-Lina Dachary, Hercule-Bernard Alvi, Jean-Lucien Huberty * Tr.3-LA ROSE DE SAINT-FLOUR- 1856-ORTF- 1972, cond. Marcel Cariven * Pierrette-Lina Dachary, Charpailloux- Rene Lenoty, Marcachu-Gaston Rey * Tr.4&5-LE 66-1856-ORTF- 1968, cond. Robert Benedetti * Grittly-Lina Dachary, Frantz-Gerard Friedmann, Berthold-Bernard Demigny
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Verlobung bei der Laterne  <font color=blue><h3>Excerpts only, 22 minutes in length. </font color> </h3>  Offenbach  - Die Kleine Zauberflöte Nanette - Eva Kasper Madame Robin - Gabrielle Treskow Monsieur Robin - Karl Diekmann Soldat - Alfons Holte Advokat - Kurt Gester  Offenbach  - Die Verlobung bei der Laterne Pierre - Alfons Holte Denise - Eva Kasper Fanchette - Ditha Sommer Catherine - Erika Wien Nachtwaumchter - Alfons Holte  Conductor - Carlos Kleiber  Live Recordings at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Düsseldorf, on 1st December 1962.  Source - ZDF-T
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach Vie parisienne 2004 Washington  Jacques Offenbach LA VIE PARISIENNE Non-broadcast performance  Opéra Comique de Paris  on tour in Washington, DC  dir  - Gérard Daguerre February 22, 2004  Éric Huchet  Bobinet  Olivier Peyrebrune  L'employé  Martial Defontaine  Raoul de Gardefeu  Marie-Stéphane Bernard  Métella  Jean-Vital Petit  Gontran  Olivier Podestà  Joesph, Trébuchet  Michel Trempont  Baron de Gondremarck  Maryline Fallot  Baroness de Gondremarck  Franck T'Hézan  Le Brésilien  Frédéric Longbois  Alphonse, Prosper  Michel Tellechéa  Frick  Patricia
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Vie Parsienne 1960 Berlin  Have fun, Jochen  Baronin Christine - Margit Schramm Raoul de Gardefeu - Ferry Gruber Bobinet - Peter Alexander Gontram - Julius Katona Metella - Lisa della Casa Ein Brasilianer - Rudolf Schock Gabriele, Handschumacherin - Ingeborg Hallstein Amdame Quimper-Karadec - Brigitte Mira Madame Folle-Verdure - Helga Wisniewska Pauline - Dorothea Chryst Prosper - Karl-Ernst Mercker Urbain - Kurt Boehme Clara - Ursula Schirrmacher  Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin Die Berliner Symphoniker Dirigent - Franz Allers
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Viloneux , chateau a toto   * Track 1-LE VIOLONEUX-1855, ORTF broadcast, from E.J. Smith lp * cast unknown  this is not the Bourg recording  * Track 2-Le Violoneux fantaisie, cond. Marcel Cariven * Tracks 3, 4-LE CHATEAU A TOTO-1868, from E. J. Smith lp * Jeanne-Lina Dachary; Vicomtesse-Linda Felder; Catherine-Monique Stiot
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Offenbach Voyage dans la lune 1986 Geneve  Jacques Offenbach  1819-1880  Le Voyage dans la lune Opera-féerie in vier Akte und 23 Bilder Libretto  - Eugène Letterrier, Albert Vanloo und Arnold Mortier, nach Jules Verne Uraufführung  - Paris, Gaîté, 26. Oktober 1875  Fantasia ............ ......... ......... .. Marie McLaughlin Caprice ............ ......... ......... ... Joseph Evans Vlan ............ ......... ......... ...... Michel Trempont Microscope ............ ......... ......... Christian Asse Cosmos ............ ......... ......... .... Jules Bastin Qui-p
Regular price: $19.16
Sale price: $11.50
MP3  Les Contes Paris 1975 Gedda Mesplé Edda-Pierre  From my private collection a performance  radio diffusion France musique  of Les contes d'Hoffman in Opera Garnier Paris 29 novembre 1975 Nicolaï Gedda Hoffmann Christiane Edda-Pierre Antonia Mady Mesplé Olympia Suzanne Sarroca Giulietta Tom Kraus Coppelius, Dapertotto, Miracle Francine Arrauzeau La Mère Sarah Sterling Stella Michel Philippe Nicklaus Michel Sénéchal Frantz Jacques Loreau Spalanzani Robert Dumé Nathanael Joseph Rouleau Crespin Fernand Dumont Luther Philippe Duminy Pitichinaccio M
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN Berlin 84 Premiere   HOFFMANN  Deutsche Oper Berlin Premiere vom 16-Dez-1984 Dirigent - Serge Baudo  Olympia ... - Lucia ALiberti Hoffmann - Kenneth Riegel      Riccardo Calleo  Antonia Szene..from 4-4-85  Niklaus / Muse - Cynthia Clarey Lindorf ... - Samuel Ramey Andreas ... - Peter Maus Nathanael - William Pell Hermann - Andreas Schmidt Luther - Tomislav Neralic Spalanzani - Peter Gougaloff Schlemihl - Barry Maniel Crespel- Victor von Halem Mutter - Kaja Borris   BONUS - HOFFMANN Szenen Berlin 4-April-1985 Riccardo Calleo  Trac
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  HOFFMANN 2002 Furlan Hahn Hale Wiedstruck  HOFFMANN´S ERZÄHLUNGEN  Deutsche Oper Berlin 20-April-2002 Dirigent - Frederic Chaslin  Hoffmann - Jean-Pierre Furlan Olympia... - Brigitte Hahn Lindorf... - Robert Hale Muse - Yvone Wiedstruck Andres... - Burkhard Ulrich Mutter - Ute Walther Crespel - Peter Klaveness  there may be some sound-problems at the last two tracks on  2, but I do not have other material anymore, sorry. ====================================  HOFFMANN´S ERZÄHLUNGEN Dessau 14-nov-1992 Olympia -Katharina Richter ==============
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN scenes Koeln 85 Moser Buzea Janulako  HOFFMANN  Szenen  Oper der Stadt Köln  5-Juni-1985 Dirigent - Georg Fischer  Stella/Olympia/Antonia/Giulietta --------------EDDA MOSER Hoffmann------ION BUZEA LINDORF-------WASSILLI JANULAKO Niklaus-------ANNE SALVAN Andres--------HUBERT MÖHLER Spalanzani----EBERHARD KATZ Crespel-------THOMAS THOMASCHKE Mutter--------TONE KRUSE    BONUS  - HOFFMANN  Finale Gärtnerplatz-Theater München 15-Mai-96 Hoffmann------ROBERT BRUINS  inhouse recordings, uploaded with 196 kbps best regards Felix.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN 1980 Kraus Scalera-Keller Branisteanu Linos Estes HOFFMANN  Zürich 14-Sept-1980 Dirigent - Niksa Bareza  Hoffmann- Alfredo Kraus Olympia- Paula Scalera-Keller Antonia - Horiana Branisteanu Giulietta - Glenys Linos Lindorf... -Simon Estes Andreas... - Peter Keller Niklaus .- Helrun Gardow Luther - Rene Rohr Natanael - Peter Straka Hermann - Werner Hahn Spalanzani - Paul Spani Crespel - Hans Franzen Mutter - Carol Smith Schlemihl - Rudolf Hartmann   BONUS - NABUCCO Szenen ICC Berlin 27-12-1993 Helrun Gardow Walter Donati  SEMIRAMIDE B
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN komplett Koeln 85 Moser Buzea Janulako  HOFFMANN  Oper der Stadt Köln  5-Juni-1985 Dirigent - Georg Fischer  Stella/Olympia/Antonia/Giulietta --------------EDDA MOSER Hoffmann------ION BUZEA Lindorf-------WASSILLI JANULAKO Niklaus-------ANNE SALVAN Andres--------HUBERT MÖHLER Spalanzani----EBERHARD KATZ Crespel-------THOMAS THOMASCHKE Mutter--------TONE KRUSE Lutter--------KLAUS BRUCH Nathanael-----ERLINGUR VIGFUSSON Hermann-------ULRICH HIELSCHER Schlemihl-----CAMILLO MEGHOR  inhouse recordings,  BONUS - GEORGI CHOLAKOV sings tra
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  CONTES D'HOFFMANN Hong, Donose, Vargas, Morris - Chaslin - Me  LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN Opéra fantastique en cinq actes de Jacques Offenbach. Livret de Jules Barbier tiré de la drame de Jules Barbier et Michel Carré.  Hoffmann - Ramón Vargas Nicklausse - Ruxandra Donose Die Muse - Ruxandra Donose Olympia - Aleksandra Kurzak Antonia - Hei Kyung Hong Giulietta - Béatrice Uria-Monzon Lindorf - James Morris Coppélius - James Morris Miracle - James Morris Dapertutto - James Morris Andrés - Jean-Paul Fouchécourt Cochenille - Jean-Paul Fouchécourt Fran
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN Dessau 92 Richter Vogel Ponto Prahm Kvirenc Maclane  HOFFMANNS ERZÄHLUNGEN  sung in german / deutsch gesungen Theater Dessau  14-Nov-1992 Dirigent - Sighard Renner  Olympia - Katharina Richter Giulietta - Waltraud Vogel Antonia - Corinna Ponto Stella Hildegard Wiczonke Hoffmann - Radmil  Kvirenc Lindorf - Armand MacLane Niklaus - Gabriele Prahm Andread - Ingo Anders Spalanzani - Günter Krause Schlehmihl - Pavel Safar Mutter - Chariklia Mavropoulou Crespel- Günter Bochmann  recorded inhousee with cassette-rec.  uploaded with 192
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  HOFFMANN dt. Berlin K.O.95 Schellenberger Wilson Vogel Smeets   HOFFMANN´s ERZÄHLUNGEN sung in german / deutsch gesungen  Komische Oper Berlin 21-März-1995 Dirigent    ??  Stella....  - Dagmar Schellenberger Hoffmann - Neil Wilson Lindorf.... - Siegfried Vogel Niklaus / Muse - Roger Smeets Andreas.... - Günter Kurth Spalanzani - Hans Otto Rogge Mutter - Cornelia Wulkopf  recorded inhouse with cassette-rec. uploaded with 192 kbps.  best regards Felix.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Contes d'Hoffmann NYCO 1972 Sills Molese Treigle  Jacques Offenbach Les contes d'Hoffmann  without Act 5   Hoffmann - Michele Molese Niklaus - Kay Creed Lindorf/Coppelius/Dapertutto/Mirakel - Norman Treigle Olympia/Giulietta/Antonia - Beverly Sills Andres/Cochenille/Pitichinaccio/Franz - John Lankston Lutter - Irwin Densen Nathanael - Bernard Fitch Hermann - Thomas Jamerson Spalanzani - James Billings Schlemihl - William Ledbetter Crespel - Edward Pierson A Voice - Joyce Gerber  New York City Opera Orchestra & Chorus Conductor - Julius Rudel
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $12.64
Sale price: $7.58
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Hoffmann NYCO 1965 Sills, Domingo  As the links are dead on the original posting of this Hoffmann performance, I am re-uploading it to keep it active  and thanks the original poster . The sound is very good and the voices are up close. This is the NYCO performing version that leaves off the epilogue. According to the annals in Domingo's My First Forty Years, this performance is only the second time Domingo had sung Hoffmann on stage, following his debut in the role on Sept. 7, 1965 in Mexico City.  Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann NYCO on
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Les Contes d'Hoffmann-Lyric Opera Chicago-Oct 1, 2011  Broadcast from Chicago, over WFMT, at 320k/bits Music only, no commentary or intermissions.  Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Hoffmann - Matthew Polenzani La Muse – Emily Fons Nicklausse – Emily Fons Lindorf – James Morris Coppélius – James Morris Dr Miracle – James Morris Dapertutto – James Morris Andrès – Rodell Rosel Cochenille – Rodell Rosel Frantz – Rodell Rosel Pitichinaccio – Rodell Rosel Olympia – Anna Christy Antonia – Erin Wall Giulietta – Alyson Cambridge Stella – Emily Birso
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Les Contes d'Hoffmann broadcast - LOC - 10-1-2011  As requested, here is the complete, uninterrupted 3'53 broadcast from Chicago of Les Contes d'Hoffmann, at 320k/bits. Includes all commentary and both intermissions. Join with HJSplit or similar.Offenbach - Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Hoffmann - Matthew Polenzani La Muse – Emily Fons Nicklausse – Emily Fons Lindorf – James Morris Coppélius – James Morris Dr Miracle – James Morris Dapertutto – James Morris Andrès – Rodell Rosel Cochenille – Rodell Rosel Frantz – Rodell Rosel Pitichinaccio – Rodell
Regular price: $23.16
Sale price: $13.90
MP3  Hoffmann - Munich 31.10.2011  Hello group,  recorded from BR-Klassik via satellite at 320 kbps -  Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d'Hoffmann München, 31. Oct. 2011  Olympia / Giulietta / Antonia / Stella Diana Damrau Cochenille / Pitichinaccio / Franz Kevin Conners Lindorf / Coppelius / Dapertutto / Mirakel John Relyea Nikolaus Angela Brower Stimme der Mutter Okka von der Damerau Hoffmann Rolando Villazón Spalanzani Ulrich Reß Nathanael Dean Power Hermann Tim Kuypers Schlemihl Christian Rieger Wilhelm Andrew Owens Crespel / Luther Christoph Step
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Les Contes d´Hoffmann - Villazon, Damrau/ Munich 2011  Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d´Hoffmann  Olympia / Giulietta / Antonia / Stella - Diana Damrau Cochenille / Pitichinaccio / Franz - Kevin Conners Lindorf / Coppelius / Dapertutto / Mirakel - John Relyea Nikolaus - Angela Brower Stimme der Mutter - Okka von der Damerau Hoffmann - Rolando Villazón Spalanzani - Ulrich Reß Nathanael - Dean Power Hermann - Tim Kuypers Schlemihl - Christian Rieger Wilhelm - Andrew Owens Crespel / Luther - Christoph Stephinger  Bayerisches Staatsorchester Chor d
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Jacques Offenbach Les Contes d'Hoffmann  Wiener Staatsoper, 9 April 1998
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN 15/01/2012 in diretta dal TEATRO ALLA SCALA DI MILANO
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  OFFENBACH HOFFMANNs ERZÄHLUNGEN Deutsche Oper Berlin 23-Oct-1986 Dirigent - Stefan Soltesz
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Jacques Offenbach Felcity Lott, soprano Teatro Real de Madrid, 09.VI.2011
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  OFFENBACHIADE der Deutschen Oper Berlin mit dem RIAS Kammerchor & RSO Berlin 5-Oct-1980 Dirigent - Caspar Richter
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  HOFFMANNs ERZÄHLUNGEN Deutsche Oper Berlin 4-April-1985 Dirigent - Serge Baudo
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Jacques Offenbach UN PETIT VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE  Villeurbanne December 02, 2005
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Offenbach - LES CONTES D'HOFFMANN - Lebanon, NH, 8/16/97 - Riberi, Esham, Lau, Gattie; Burkot
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
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Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.