USA Tel (404) 200-4776


MP3  Lehar, Giuditta, Video 1970, Stratas, Schock, Tiboldi, Thaw / Ebert  Franz Lehár Giuditta  Giuditta - Teresa Stratas Anita - Maria Tiboldi Octavio - Rudolf Schock Pierrino - David Thaw Manuele Biffi - Kurt Pratsch-Kaufmann with Joachim Hansen, Beate Hasenau, Friedrich Schoenfelder  Berliner Symphoniker und Chor Dirigent - Wolfgang Ebert  Telecast 1970 DivX-AVI video 640x480 pixels, ca. 1000kbps Picture quality - relatively poor Sound - ok.
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Lehar Eva 1950 ORF   Franz Lehár  ORF 1950  EVA  Octave Flaubert - Fred Liewehr Dagobert Millefleurs - Otto Fassler Pipsi - Toni Gerold Eva - Eva Slatnik  Großes Wiener Rundfunkorchester  Max Schönherr
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Fredericke 2008 Munich  Franz Lehar - Friederike Operette in drei Akten Friederike - Kristiane Kaiser Salomea - Sylvia Schwartz Goethe - Klaus Florian Vogt Lenz - Daniel Behle Klהrchen/ Hortense - Simona Brunninghaus Lottchen/Lieselotte - Barbara Fleckenstein Bהrbchen/ Dorothee - Stefanie Ruckel Marchen/ִ nnchen - Atsuko Suzuki Sprechrollen - Mitglieder der Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks - Einstudierung Peter Dijkstra Mnchner Rundfunkorchester Georg Liener, Solo-Violine Vanatin Raduti
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Giuditta 1942 Vienne  Franz Lehar GIUDITTA  Manuele Biffi- Georg Oeggl Giuditta- Jarmila Ksirova Octavio- Karl Friedrich Antonio- Georg Monthy Senor Bramorba- Willi Roesner Der Herzog- Willy Schumann Der Adjudant des Herzogs- Hans Hais Ibrahim- Wilhelm Heim Pierrino- Oskar Moerwald Anita- Else Macha Lolitta- Lia Landt Zwei Strassensänger- Fritz Piletzky, Franz Emmerich Zwei Kellner- Josef Wichardt, Emmerich Vukovic  Chor der Wiener Volksoper Gorsses Wiener Rundfunkorchester conducted by FRANZ LEHAR  Vienna 1942  bonus on  2 - Querschnitt aus Graefin Mariza
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Giuditta 1958   Franz Lehár GIUDITTA  Giuditta - Hilde Güden Octavio - Waldemar Kmentt Anita - Emmy Loose Pierrino - Murray Dickie Professor Martini - Oskar Czerwenka Manuele - Walter Berry Antonio - Harald Pröglhöf Sebastiano/1st Street Singer - Erich Majkut 2nd Street Singer - Kurt Equiluz Ibrahim - Alfred Muzarelli Duke of X - Hans Duhan Lolitta - Edith Winkler 1st Waiter - Richard Eybner 2nd Waiter - Peter Eschberger Lord Barrymore - Omar Godknow Fischerman Karl Kolowratnik  Chor und Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper Conductor - Rudolf Moralt  Bonus - Fra
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Land des Laecheln 1930 Dessau  > I just discovered my out-of-print cut-out of this classic recording of > Lehar's Land of Smiles was missing one . I don't find it > available now. Can anybody upload it? > Many thanks, > FK > > Franz Lehar > DAS LAND DES LACHELNS > with > RICHARD TAUBER, Hans Mierendorf, Mary Lossef, Bruno Kastner, > Margit Suchy, Hella Kurty, Willy Stettner and Georg John. > conducted by > PAUL DESSAU > recorded in 1930  DOWNLOAD LINKS SHOULD NOT BE PASSED OUTSIDE THIS GROUP, PUBLISHED ON BLOGS OR PUBLISHED ON OTHER GROUPS BY ANY MEMBER O
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar land des laecheln 1967 DECCA extraits  Franz Lehar Das Land des Lächelns  Prince Sou-Chong  - Giuseppe di Stefano Lisa  - Valorie Goodall Mi  - Dagmar Koller Count Gustl  - Heinz Holecek Vienna Volksoper Orchestra Conductor  - Heinz Lambrecht  1 - Immer nur lächeln 2 - Bei einem Tee à deux 3 - Von Apfelblüten einen Kranz 4 - Finale Act 1 5 - Im Salon zur Blau'n Pagode 6 - Wer hat die Liebe uns ins Herz gesenkt 7 - Meine Liebe, deine Liebe 8 - Den ist mein ganzes Herz 9 - Ich möchte wieder einmal di Heimat sehn 10 - Zig, Zig, Zig 11- Wie Rasch Verwelkte doch
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Lustige witve 1986 Silja  Die Lustige Witwe  Brussel Koninklijk Circus  Cirque Royal  19 April 1986  Baron Mirko Zeta Bodo Schwanbeck Valencienne Celina Lindsley Graf Danilo Danilowitsch Dale Duesing Hanna Glawari Anja Silja Camille de Rosillon Wieslaw Ochman Vicomte Cascada Ad van Baasbank Raoul de StBrioche Guy De Mey Bogdanowitsch Gérard Lavalle Sylvianne MarieJosé De Mattos Kromow Jacques Does Olga Marielle Moeskops Pritschitsch Patrick Tournois Praskowia Sona Cervena Njegus Edgar Boehlke Margot Diana AsmanWinnett Dodo Pascale Bombeek FrouFrou Martine C
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Lustige Witve 1987 Paris   here's on request the video of Lehar's Lustige Witwe from Paris 1997 in top quality, recorded from the TV channel Classica.  Franz Lehar DIE LUSTIGE WITWE Paris, 1997  Baron Mirko Zeta - Waldemar Kmentt Valencienne - Henriette Bonde Hansen Graf Danilo - Bo Skovhus Hanna Glawari - Karita Mattila Camille de Rosillon - Michael Schade Vicomte Cascada - Stephan Genz Raoul de Saint Brioche - Cesar A. Gutierrez Bogdanovitsch - Bodo Schwanbeck Sylviane - Sigrid Marikke Kromow - David Cale Johnson Olga - Uta Palzer Pritschitsch - Jan Alo
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Lustige witve 2003 Houston  THE MERRY WIDOW by Franz Lehar  Houston Grand Opera February 2003 Broadcast Performance  Vicomte Cascada - Aaron Judisch  Baron Mirko Zeta - Dale Travis  Valencienne - Laquita Mitchell  Sylviane - Kristin Reiersen  Olga - Angela Niederloh  Praskowia - Brooks Almy  Camille de Rosillon - Chad Shelton  Raoul de St. Brioche - Nicholas Phan  Kromow - Harrison Gerald Moore  Njegus - Jason Graae  Hanna Glawari - Susan Graham
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Paganini 1952 Cologne   Franz Lehar PAGANINI  Nicolo Paganini - Peter Anders  Max Eckard  Bartucci - Günther Lüders Anna Elisa - Anny Schlemm  Irmgard Först  Fürst Felice - Philipp Gehly Bella Giretti - Liselotte Lorsch  Luitgart Im  Marchese Pimpinelli - Willy Hofmann Graf Hedouville - Rolf Stiefel Peruccio - Hans Müller-Westernhagen Folette - Willy Schneider  Wilhelm Pilgram  Beppo - Alwin Joachim Meyer   names in brackets state dialogue speakers   Comedien-Quartett Kölner Rundfunkchor Kölner Rundfunkorchester  Violin-Solo - Ludwig Ellegiers  Conductor -
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar pays di sourir vanzo cast  Ommer lists -  Aug. 1970, Studio Dirigent - Adolphe Sibert Orchestre Lyrique de la ORTF Choeurs Lyrique de la ORTF Chorleitung - Roger List Product Code - Plein Vent ShostakovichDPV 30.9011, Sony    Rollen und Sänger  Graf Gustav von Pottenstein - Jean-Christophe Benoît Lisa - Christiane Stutzmann Lore - Germaine Duclos Mi - Monique Stiot Prinz Sou-Chong - Alain Vanzo
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Lehar Pays du Sourir 1970 paris Vanzo  Lehar  The Land of Smiles –  In French-Vanzo & Stutzman early 70s I think.   This is my first upload. I don’t really know what I am doing….but I will try…so please be tolerant of mistakes.   This  is a French radio rec. of Lehar’s  The land of Smiles-sung in French-I don’t have  the cast….details are in my collection in London and I am away in Asia. I know  Alan Vanzo& Christine Stutzman are the leads. Its an excellent recording. Vanzo is just PERFECTION.   Fingers crossed it works.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar pays du sourire 1971 Paris  Franz Lehar DAS LAND DES LACHELNS Sung in French as LE PAYS DU SOURIRESou-Chong- Alain Vanzo Mi- Monique Stiot Tschang- Bernard Demigny Gustav- Jean-Christophe Benoit Lisa- Christiane Stuzmann La Duchess- Germain Duclos  conducted by SIBERT  ORTF Paris 3 June 1971
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Rose de Noel 1958 Paris   FRANZ LEHÁR ROSE DE NOEL Opérette en deux actes sur un livret de Raymond Vincy d'après Karl Kristof  Airs de Lehar recueillis et adaptés par Miklos Rekaï et Paul Bonneau . complete operetta, rocorded 1958  Vilma ............ ......... .. Nicole Broissin, Sopran Comte Michel ............ .... André Dassary, Tenor Totsi Andrassy ............ .. Rosine Bredy, Soprano Lieutenant Sandor Varga ..... Henri Chanaron Colonel Tibor Tabakowitz .... Dominique Tirmont, Bariton Popelka ............ ......... Henry Bedex, Bariton Ludovica .......
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar veuve joyeuse 1970 ORTF  The merry widow in French recorded live 04/30/1970, grand auditorium de l'ORTF.   studio SM 1992, collection opus3  Teresa Stich-Randall - Missia Palmieri Christine Jacquin - Nadia Monique Stiot  - Manon Jean Guy Henneveux  - Prince Danilo Henri Legay  - Camille de Coutançon Gérard Friedmann  - Lérida Jacques Gilet  - Bogdanovitch Michel Fauche  - Pristich Linda Felder  - Olga Jeannette Levasseur  - Sylviane Germaine Duclos - Praskovia Robert Destain  - Baron Popoff Jacques Villa  - D'Estillac Serge Klin  - Figg Joseph Peyron  - Kro
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Lehar Veuve joyeuse 1979 NY Sills  York City Opera in 1979.  Cast Hana Glawari - Beverly Sills Danilo - Alan Titus Valenciene - Glynes Fowles Camille - Bruce Reed Njegus - James Billings Conductor - Julius Rudel...
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Veuve joyeuse 1984 Obraztsova  Franz Lehar  THE MERRY WIDOW  Sung in Russian, without dialogues  Hanna Glavari * Elena Obraztsova Danilo * Jury Vedeneyev Valenvienne * Svetlana Varguzova Camille de Rosillon * Vladimir Bogachov  Dir. Algis Ziuraitis  Recorded in 1984
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Veuve Joyeuse 1990 Rome   * Hanna Glawari-Raina Kabaivanska * Valencienne- Daniela Mazzucato * Scilly Fortunato, Laura Zannini, Patrizia Dordi * Camillo-Luca Canonici * Danilo-Mikael Melbye * Mirko Zeta-Silvano Pagliuca * Cascade-Andrea Snarski * Elio Pandolfi, Maurizio Scarleo * cond. Daniel Oren, Rome Opera-Apr. 22, 1990
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar veuve joyeuse 2006 Hannover Donath  In october 2006 Helen Donath sang three performanes as Hanna Glawari at Hannover, and the really SANG them, aged 66  she just did Zerlina again at Essen!  The rest of the cast was not great and far as I know  I'm no operetta specialist  the production did some changes at the score, but enjoy for Helen.  Hartmut  Hanna Glawari - Helen Donath Danilo - Reinhard Alessandri Mirko Zeta - Klaus-Michael Reeh Valencienne - Carmen Fugiss Camille de Rossillion - Marco Jentzsch Vicomte Cascada - Stefan Zenkl Raoul de St. Brioche - Ed
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Veuve Joyeuse2005 Lyon  Franz Lehar  - La Veuve Joyeuse par Jérémie Rousseau.  Opérette en trois actes sur un livret de Victor Léon et Léo Stein, d'après l'attaché d'ambassade de Henri Meilhac, adaptation française de Gaston de Caillavet et Robert de Flers.  Véronique Gens, Missia Plamieri Peter Edelmann, Prince Danilo Gardon Gietz, Camille de Coutançon Magali Léger, Nadia, Manon Henk Smit, Baron Popoff L^¨ic Félix, Lérida David Lefort, D'Estillac Nicole Monestier, Praskavia Pristitch Robert Horn-Wilson, Figg Choeur et Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon Direction
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Zarewitch 1949 Zurich  Zarewitsch  Lehar  Highlights with Helge Rosvaenge and Lisa della Casa, Manfred Jungwirth Zürich 1949. Cond - Viktor Reinshagen   Wolgalied  Rosvaenge  Einer wird kommen  della Casa  Jag mich nicht fort / Champagner ist ein Feuerwein  R, dC  Herz, warum schlägst du so bang  R  Bleib bei mir/ Hab nur dich allein  R, dC  Liebe mich, küsse mich  dC, R  Berauscht hat mich der heimatliche Tanz/ Ich bin verliebt  dC, R, Manfred Jungwirth  Kosende Wellen/ Warum hat jeder Frühling ach nur einen Mai/ Das Leben für den Zarern  dC, R
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Lehar Zarewitch 1980 Kollo Popp  all the best, Jochen  Franz Lehar Der Zarewitsch  Der Zarewitsch, Rene Kollo Der Großfürst, Ivan Rebroff Der Ministerpräsident, Günther Sauer Sonja, Lucia Popp Iwan, der Leiblakei, Norbert Orth Mascha, seine Frau, Elfriede Höbarth Soldat, Hartmut Brosius Sprechrollen - Kammerdiener, Alexander Malachowsky Eine Fürstin, Elisabeth Indriss Eine Gräfin, Ute Mora Olga, Christiane Blumhoff Vera, Marlis Compere Bordolo, Alexander Malachowsky  Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks Münchner Rundfunkorchester Dirigent - Heinz Wallberg
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  FRANZ LEHAR  THE MERRY WIDOW  Laura Pederson - Hanna Glawar recorded 13 January 2011 at Theater Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Franz Lehár Giuditta  konzertant  München, Prinzregententheater, 22. Jan. 2012  Christiane Libor - Giuditta  Sopran
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Franz Lehr Giuditta  Christiane Libor - Giuditta  Sopran  January 22, 2012, Prinzregententheater, Munich
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Franz Lehár Giuditta Musikalische Komödie in fünf Bildern  konzertant
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Franz Lehar DIE LUSTIGE WITWE  Milano, RAI January 25, 1980  Hanna Glawari  - Edda Moser
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Franz Lehar LA VEUVE JOYEUSE  Opéra de Lyon December 17, 19 & 21, 2006  Missia Palmieri  - Véronique Gens
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
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Shipping rates in the USA are $5.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item. Shipping rates outside the USA are $20.00 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item.

Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.