USA Tel (404) 200-4776


MP3  Boieildieu Dame Blanche 1992 NY  New York, Carnegie Hall, very good inhouse-stereo Jan 1, 1992 Opera Orchestra of New York Dessof Choirs & Mannes Chamber Singers Conductor/ess - Eve Queler Anna - Renée Fleming Dixon - James Demiert jenny - Korlis Uecker Marguerite - Eugenie Grunewald Gaveston - Pierre CVharbonneau MacIrton - Ron de Fessi Narrator - Nico Castel
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu Caliphe de Bagdad - Le Nouveau Seigneur  Two more light one-act operas-comiques by Boieldieu, taken from Paris radio ORTF 1963 and 1971 under Louis Fourestier/Francois Holland. Cast is adorable - Christiane Eda-Pierre, Jane Berbhie, Jean Giraudeau, jean Mollien, Lina Dachary et al.
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu Caliphe de Bagdad, le nouveau seigneur 1963 1971 Paris   > Upload Le Caliphe de Bagdad/Le nouveau Seigneur/Boieldieu 1963/1971 > Christiane Eda-Pierre, Jane Berbhie, Jean Giraudeau, jean > Mollien, Lina Dachary et al.
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Boieldieu Dame Blanche 1961 Paris  LA DAME BLANCHE  Opéra comique en trois actes   Michel Sénéchal  Georges Brown   Adrien Legros  Gaveston   Aimé Doniat  Dikson   Pierre Héral  MacIrton   Françoise Louvay  Anna   Jane Berbié  Jenny   Germaine Baudoz  Marguerite   Orchestre symphonique et Choeur de Paris Pierre Stoll conductor  Recorded in Paris September, 1961
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Boieldieu Dame Blanche 1964 DECCA  Georges Brown  Julien Avenel  Michel Senechal Tenor Gaveston Adrien Legros Bass Dickson Aime Doniat Baritone MacIrton Pierre Heral Bass Anna Francoise Louvay Soprano Jenny Jane Berbie Soprano Marguerite Germaine Baudoz Mezzo  Chorus & Orchestra Raymond St Paul Conducted by Pierre Stoll
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu dame Blanche 1964 Hilversum
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu dame blanche 2008 Rheinsberg  Una Esecuzione assai insolita  Realizzata in due parti  2° e 3° assieme   Konzert - Schlossthea ter Rheinsberg Aufzeichnung vom 25./26.7.08 François-Adrien Boieldieu La dame blanche  Die weiße Dame  Komische Oper in drei Akten Libretto - Eugène Scribe Dionisos Tsantinis, Bass - Gaveston Paola Leggeri, Sopran - Anna Amar Muchhala, Tenor - Georg Christopher O'Connor, Tenor - Dikson Mara Mastalir, Sopran - Jenny Anne Catherine Wagner, Mezzosopran - Margarethe Matthias Hinz - Friedensrichter/ Erzähler Chorsolisten RIAS Jugend
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu Jean de Paris  François Adrien BOIELDIEU  1775-1834  Jean de Paris Opéra-Comique in 2 Akte Text von Saint-Just Uraufführung - Paris, Opéra-Comique, 4. April 1812  Jean de Paris ............ ......... ......... Joseph Peyron la Princesse ............ ......... ......... . Denise Boursin le Sénéchal ............ ......... ......... .. Henri Guy Lorezza ............ ......... ......... ...... Monique Stiot Olivier ............ ......... ......... ...... Gérard Friedmann Pedrigo ............ ......... ......... ...... Aimé Doniat  Ensemble Madrigal, orchest
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Boieldieu La dame Blanche 1992 NY  la dame blanche new york carnegie hall  jan. 30, 1992 rep. radio 3, 1999 opera orchestra of new york dessof choirs & mannes chamber singers cond - eve queler  dixon - james demlert jenny - korliss uecker goerges brown - robert swensen marguerite -. eugenie grunewald anna - renee fleming gaveston - pierre charbonneau macIrton - ron de fessi narrator - bico castel
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu La Dame Blanche Paris 1997
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu la Famille Suisse 1966 Genève  gènève 1966  la famille suisse opera comique en un act de francois audrien boieldieu  énare vincent giraud zéhalé giselle bobillier estelle lise rapin golmard mario marchisio henri louis pruvez  orchestre de la suisse romande cond. boris mersson  bon écoute.....
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Boieldieu Le petit Chaperon rouge 2001   BOIELDIEU  - Le petit Chaperon rouge Stadttheater Lübeck 2001  Roberto Gionfriddo  Baron Rodolphe  Chantal Mathias  Rose d'Amour, genannt Rotkäppchen  Patrick Busert  Graf Roger  Thomas Scheler  Monsieur Job  Lisa Tjalve  Nanette  Angelika Nick  Berthe  Tomasz Konieczny  Der Eremit  Dirk Eicher  Edmond  Andrei Maliouk  Ein Bauer  Ivan Lovric  Ein Offizier  Reiner Trenkmann  Holzfäller  Thomas Franke  Holzfäller  Kerstin Schomaker  Rose im Traum   Dir - Roman Brogli-Sacher Chor - Joseph Feigl  split act-wise without tracks
Regular price: $10.28
Sale price: $6.17
MP3  Boieldieu Tante Aurore  According to Ommer Ma Tante Aurore was not writter by François- Adrien Boieldieu, rather it was written by Adrien Louis Victor Boieldieu. It was the son of François-Adrien. However the date for the premiere given could only be of a work by the father as the son was not born until 1815. Can anybody illuminate this further?  There is also a simple typo - The correct spelling is Janine Collard. Many thanks to the uploader for this. FK  > François-Adrien BOIELDIEU  1775-1834  > Ma Tante Aurore ou Le Roman impromptu > opéra comique in 2 Akte
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Boieledieu Voitures versées 1971 Paris  All cast and data are inside the file.  François-Adrien Boieldieu - Les Voitures Versees Opéra-comique en 2 actes  Brébion-Collert Boursijn Peyron Domiat  Live Paris 1971
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
Regular price: $7.92
Sale price: $4.75
MP3  Bolcom Wedding 2005 Chicago  William Bolcom A WEDDING  World première production  Libretto by Arnold Weinstein and Robert Altman In-house recording  Lyric Opera of Chicago dir  - Dennis Russell Davies January 8, 2005  The characters in order of vocal appearance -  MARIA KANYOVA  Rita Billingsley, a wedding directrix  KATHRYN HARRIES  Nettie Sloan, mother of Antonia, Victoria and Diana  BETH CLAYTON  Antonia Goddard  JAKE GARDNER  Jules Mackenzie Goddard, Antonia's husband and a doctor turned art dealer  PATRICIA RISLEY  Diana Sloan, sister of Antonia and Victor
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boieldieu - La Dame Blanche - Renee Fleming - OONY 1992  320 kbps, mp3, 2 s, lots of tracks acquired in trade great sounding radio broadcast  La Dame Blanche  Francois Adrien Boieldieu Libretto by Eugène Scribe January 30, 1992; Carnegie Hall.  Renee Fleming  Anna  James Demler  Dikson  Korliss Uecker  Jenny  Robert Swensen  Georges Brown  Nico Castel  Narrator  Eugenie Grunewald  Marguerite  Pierra Charbonneau  Gaveston  Ron de Fesi  MacIrton .   The Dessoff Choirs and The Mannes Chamber Singers; Amy Kaiser, music director. Eve Queler, condu
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
MP3  Boildieu - La famille suisse  From a radio broadcast of approximately 1966, never commercially available - it was uploaded years ago, but the links are dead - this upload is from my own collection -  Franois Adrien Boildieu - La famille suisse  Enarc - Vincente Giraud Zéhalé - Giselle Bobillier Estelle - Lise Rapin Golmard - Mario Marchision Henri - Louis Pruvez  Orchestre de la Suisse Romande Conductor - Boris Mersson
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $4.19
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Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc. Also, most of our video products do not have subtitles.