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MP3-1842400 La perichole from Montpellier 2018

Item# MP3-1842400
Regular price: $6.99
Sale price: $5.24

Product Description

MP3-1842400 La perichole from Montpellier 2018

La Périchole" d'Offenbach (1874) Musique : Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880) Livret de Ludovic Halévy et Henri Meilhac


Aude Extrémo, mezzo-soprano (La Périchole) Philippe Talbot, ténor (Piquillo) Alexandre Duhamel, baryton (Don Andrès, vice-roi) Éric Huchet, ténor (Don Miguel de Panatellas) Romain Dayez, baryton-basse (Don Pedros de Hinoyosa) Enguerrand de Hys, ténor (Notaire 1, Le Marquis) François Pardailhé, ténor (Notaire 2) Olivia Doray, soprano (Cousine Guadalena, Dame d’honneur Manuelita) Julie Pasturaud, mezzo-soprano (Cousine Berginella, Dame d’honneur Frasquinella) Mélodie Ruvio, contralto (Cousine Mastrilla, Dame d’honneur Ninetta) Adriana Bignagni Lesca, alto (Dame d’honneur Brambilla)

Chœur de l’Opéra National de Bordeaux Les Musiciens du Louvre Marc Minkowski, direction

Représentation donnée le 11 juillet 2018 au Festival Radio France Occitanie Montpellier.

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Important Information!!!
USA Telephone (404) 200-4776 We sell only opera recordings. The recordings are sent to you in paper sleeves with no tray card or inserts, just the raw discs with printed labels. These recordings are of nonprofessional quality that are in the public domain. The quality of these old opera recordings is not very good and they are meant for collectors and educational purposes only. Most of them are 30 or 40 years old, so they might be blurry, colors faded, and not sound very good, but they might not be available elsewhere. Please note that most of our recordings do not have tracks, they have 1 long track per disc.