Product Description
MP3-1463700 DON GIOVANNI Act 1 selections (part 2)
Mozart DON GIOVANNI: misc excerpts from Act 1, scenes 3-5
--------------------Volume 4-----------------------------------
Giovinette, che fate all'amore...Ah! fuggi il traditor!
(Zerlina, Masetto, Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira)
1) (in German) Weidlich,Frick,Ahlersmeyer,Böhme,
Teschemacher/Elmendorff 1943
2) Conner,Alvary,Pinza,Baccaloni,Stoska/Rudolf 1947
3-7) Hoffmann,Neidlinger,Schöffler,Kunz,Danco/LLudwig 1951
8) Sciutti,Wächter,London,Berry,Jurinac/Moralt 1955
9-12) Freni, Monreale,Blanc,Bruscantini,Ligabue/Pritchard 1960
13) (Alfin siam liberati) Bacquier,Holm,Lorengar/Previtali 1966
Là ci darem la mano
14) (in Swedish) Forsell,Hellström-Oscàr 1905
15) (Alfin siam liberati) Battistini,Corsi/Sabajno 1906
16) Scotti,Farrar 1908; 17) Blanchart,Lipkowska 1911
18) (in German) Habich,von Skilondz 1912; 19) Rimini,Raisa 1920
20) (in German) Schlusnus,Lehmann 1920
21) (in German) Domgraf-Fassbaender,Hüni-Mihacsek/Prüwer 1929
22) (in German) Hüsch,Perras/Müller 1935
23) (in German) Schlusnus,Berger/Krauss 1936
24) (in English) Noble,Catley/Braithwaite 1943
25-26) (Alfin siam liberati) Rehfuss,Alarie/Rosbaud 1952
27) (Alfin siam liberati) London,Streich/Klemperer 1955
28-30) (Ho capito) Uppman,Siepi, Peters/Böhm 1957
31) Colombo,Dobbs/Krannhals 1958
32-33) (Alfin siam liberati, in German) Prey,Mathis/Sawallisch 1960
34) (Alfin siam liberati) Fischer-Dieskau,Grist/Böhm 1967
35) Raimondi,Popp/Sawallisch 1973
36-37) (Ho capito) Tomlinson,Raimondi,Ewing/Stein 1980
Là ci darem...Non ti fidar, o misera
38-42) Gobbi,Seefried,Schwarzkopf,Dermota,Welitsch/Furtwängler 1950
43) (Fermati, in German) Jurinac,London,Seefried,Dermota,Della Casa
/Böhm 1955
44) Petri,Sciutti,Gencer,Alva,Stich-Randall/Molinari-Pradelli 1960
--------------------Volume 5-----------------------------------
Ah! fuggi il traditor!
1) Steber/Rudolf 1954; 2) Graf/Krannhals 1958; 3)LPrice/Leinsdorf 1959
4) (Fermati) Caballé (with Otto,Wächter)/Gielen 1960
5-6) (Là ci darem) Ghiaurov,Freni,Ludwig/Klemperer 1966
7) (with quartet) Varady,Raimondi,Winkler,MPrice/Sawallisch 1973
8-9) (with quartet) Sass,Weikl,Burrows,MPrice/Solti 1978
Ho capito, Signor, sì'!...Dalla sua pace
10) (Alfin siam liberati) Pinza,Bokor,Helletsgruber,Borgioli,Rethberg
/Walter 1937
11) Vessières,Campó,Moffo,Danco,Gedda,Stich-Randall/Rosbaud 1956
12) Panerai,Wächter,Sciutti,Güden,Wunderlich,Price/Karajan 1963
Don Ottavio! son morta!...Or sai chi l'onore
13) Lehmann 1906; 14) Leider/Barbirolli 1928
15) Milanov,Melton/Breisach 1943
16) (aria only) Traubel/O'Connell 1946
17) (in Russian) Rozhdestvenskaya,Ashkenazi/Sanderling 1948
18) Welitsch,De Paolis/Reiner 1950
19) (in Swedish) Nilsson,GBjörling/Sandberg 1952
20) (in Czech) Subrtová,Zídek/Chalabala 1956
21-22) Steber,Peerce/Böhm 1957; 23) Gencer,Lewis/Solti 1962
24-27) (with Dalla sua pace) Janowitz,Kraus/Giulini 1970
28) MPrice,Winkler/Pritchard 1978
--------------------Volume 6-----------------------------------
Dalla sua pace, la mia dipende
1) Bonci 1905; 2) Anselmi 1909; 3) (in German) Jadlowker 1916
4) (in German) Tauber 1922; 5) (in German) von Pataky/Heidenreich 1927
6) Schipa/Bourdon 1927; 7) Nash/Robinson 1929
8) (in German) Ludwig/Reuss 1932-33; 9) (in German) Patzak/Blech 1934
10) (in German) Anders/Schmidt-Isserstedt 1935
11) Schiøtz/Tango 1942; 12) (in English) Booth/Sargent 1943
13) Munteanu c1950; 14) Peerce/Leinsdorf c1950
15) (in German) Dermota/Böhm 1955; 16) Vanzo/Prêtre 1962
17) Pears/Britten 1963
various excerpts ending scene iii
18) (Non ti fidar, in German) (tenor aria omitted) Jungkurth,Hammes,
Patzak,Reining,Hann/Keilberth 1936
19) (Povera sventurata!) Taddei,Curtis Verna,Valletti,Tajo/Rudolf 1953
20) (Ah! fuggi il traditor!) Della Casa,Siepi,Simoneau,Grümmer,Corena
/Mitropoulos 1956
21-22) (Non ti fidar) Stader,Fischer-Dieskau,Haefliger,Jurinac,Kohn
/Fricsay 1958
23) (Ah! fuggi il traditor!) Schwarzkopf,Wächter,Alva,Sutherland,
Taddei/Giulini 1959
Finch'han dal vino calda la testa, una gran festa fa preparar!
24) Scotti 1902; 25) (in German) Scheidemantel/Seidler-Winkler 1907
26) D'Andrade 1907-08; 27) Ruffo 1914; 28) (in German) de Garmo 1918
29) Urbino/Gurlitt 1929; 30) Pinza/Bourdon 1930
31) (in German) Schmitt-Walter/Rother 1937
32) Pease/HLudwig 1960; 33) Bacquier/Prêtre 1962
--------------------Volume 7-----------------------------------
Dalla sua pace...Batti, batti, o bel Masetto
(DO, L, DG, Z, M)
1-5) Simoneau,Cortis,Capecchi,Loose,Coda/Rosbaud 1950
6-10) (in German) Wunderlich,Stern,Prey,Mathis,Knoblich
/Sawallisch 1960
11) Burrows,Berry,Milnes,Stratas,Michalski/Levine 1974
Batti, batti, o bel Masetto
12) Patti/Ronald 1905; 13) Sembrich 1906; 14) Tetrazzini 1907
15) (in German) Artôt de Padilla 1915; 16) Hempel c1922
17) Schumann/Byng 19.V.1926 London
18) (in French) Vallin 1928; 19) Licette/Robinson 1929
20) (in German)Eisinger/Meyrowitz 1929; 21) Bori/Black 1937
22) Pagliughi/Tansini 1938; 23) Güden/Krips 1955
24) Peters/Böhm 1957; 25) Dobbs/Krannhals 1958
26) (in English) Raskin/Adler 1960
27) Horne/Bonynge 1968; 28) Donath/Barenboim 1973
Finch'han dal end of act
(DG, Z, M, DE, DO, DA, L)
29) Brownlee,Mildmay,Henderson,Helletsgruber,von Pataky,
Ina Souez,Salvatore Baccaloni/Fritz Busch 1936
30) (Io deggio ad ogni patto) Kunz,Gobbi,Seefried,Poell,
Schwarzkopf,Dermota,Welitsch/Furtwängler 1950
31) London,Sciutti,Wächter,Jurinac,Simoneau,Zadek,Berry
/Moralt 1955
--------------------Volume 8-----------------------------------
Bisogna aver coraggio...Protegga il giusto cielo
(DE, DO, DA, L, DG)
1) (Protegga) Ponselle(DA),Schipa,Müller/Serafin 1934
2) Stoska,Kullman,Resnik,Baccaloni,Pinza/Rudolf 1947
3-4) Danco,Dermota,Martinis,Kunz,Schöffler/Ludwig 1951
5-6) Schwarzkopf,Dermota,Grümmer,Edelmann,Siepi
/Furtwängler 1954
7) (Protegga) Nilsson,Dermota,Jurinac/Böhm 1955
8) (Protegga) Steber,Peerce,Della Casa/Böhm 1957
9) Ligabue,Alva,Moscucci,Bruscantini,Petri/Sanzogno 1958
10) (in German) Hillebrecht,Wunderlich,Grümmer,Stern,Prey
/Sawallisch 1960
11) (Protegga) LPrice,Valletti,Schwarzkopf/Karajan 1960
12) (Presto, presto) Uppman,Hurley,Siepi,Della Casa,Gedda,
Steber,Corena/Leinsdorf 1961
13-14) Ludwig,Gedda,Watson,Berry,Ghiaurov/Klemperer 1966
15) Lorengar,Krenn,Sutherland,Gramm,Bacquier/Bonynge 1968
16) (Protegga) Janowitz,Kraus,Jurinac, /Giulini 1970
17) Varady,Winkler,MPrice,Dean,Raimondi/Sawallisch 1973
18) (Protegga) Tomowa-Sintow,Schreier,Zylis-Gara/Böhm 1977
Presto, presto, pria ch'ei end of act
(M, Z, DG, DE, DO, DA, L)
19) Harrell,Sayão,Pinza,Novotná,Kullman,
Bampton,Kipnis/Walter 1942
20) Vessières,Moffo,Campó,Danco,Gedda,
Stich-Randall,Cortis/Rosbaud 1956
21) (Batti, batti) Savoie,Freni,Siepi,Jurinac,Lewis,
Gencer,Evans/Solti 1962
22-23) Panerai,Sciutti,Wächter,Güden,Wunderlich,
LPrice,Berry/Karajan 1963
24) Mariotti,Grist,Fischer-Dieskau,Arroyo,Schreier,
Nilsson,Berry/Böhm 1967
25-26) (Bisogna aver coraggio) Moldoveanu(DE),Tappy,
Ricciarelli,Dean,Raimondi(DG),Tomlinson,Ewing/Stein 1980
(track 26 follows a short gap in the original tape)
27) (Bisogna aver coraggio) Anderson,Case,Vaness,Ramey,
Diaz,Voss,Esham/Mauceri 1980